Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Church Nomad Pt.3

                                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                              everyday is a journey.

The light that fills thy house at morn
Thou canst not for thyself retain;
But all who with thee here are born
It bids to share an equal gain.
The wave, the blue encircling wave,
No chain can bind, no fetter hold;
Its thunders tell of Him who gave
What none can ever buy for gold.
--Jones Very.

How many of you are happy with the church you are at? Let me put it in an another way. How many churches have you belonged to? 

I'm a person who sticks with something or someone for a  very long time. Take my car insurance, I've been with the same company ever since I started driving. It's the way I was built. I like loyalty.

I know I never set out to be a Church nomad. In fact, I stayed in the Church where I became a believer for over six years. I spent those years volunteering excessively. Yes, excessively. One can volunteer too much. There has to be a balance and when volunteering interferes with your Church time, it's time to step down and get a break. We all need to be fed spiritually and I was hungry!

Then we moved here. This is our third Church and I know there will be even more, because I know this isn't our forever home. We're here spending the next few years before my retirement. Retirement will not be around here, maybe even in another state for me. That means I will have to find another Church. 

Not exactly how I thought it would be. I envisioned a scene like in a Rockwell painting or perhaps like in Mayberry, a small town. A place where everyone knows everyone else and they visit the same Church and the same grocery store. Does a place like that really exist? I believe so and that's where I want to be. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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