Saturday, March 3, 2018

Another Health Update

                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                   everyday is a journey. 

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

First of all, I am still in remission and in that aspect, doing just fine. This is just an update on what is going on with me now.
I have written about my health several times since my last bout with cancer. I've been fighting chronic fatigue, telling myself I just need to push through. Well, after almost eleven years of cancer and four bouts, my body is tired. I don't believe that I will ever recover the strength I once had. 

The radiation really took a lot out of me both mentally and physically. I could see that it has affected my legs even more where I now feel aches from my hips all the way to my toes. When the temperature drops and the cold front comes in, I feel it in that area. I also began having some arthritis issues in my right hand as well. Not to mention charlie horses, especially at night. 

When I saw my GP back in October, I brought up the issue of my legs. She was very honest with me stating that I could soak them, massage them or do whatever to ease the pain, but it will never go away. When the barometer pressure rises whether in cold or in heat, my joints will swell up. I can only numb it for a bit or lessen the pain. Well, that's that.

This Winter has been a real one with multiple snowfall, ice and single digit temperatures. One could say that I felt it in every bone of my body. My legs hurt, especially at night where charlie horses were rampart. Luckily, I remembered years ago visiting a cancer chat room online and many of the recipients complaining about this same issue. Their solution was soap in a mesh bag placed by your legs at night. I've done that and so far, I think it has been working for the charlie horses. 

Now as to my fatigue. At first, I thought it was winter blues, but I cannot say that anymore. I'm just plain tired. I work full time and getting up early with a few hours sleep is no longer possible. There are days where I need a nap, but I fight it. I had my GP test my thyroid in case it was flaring up again, but it is fine. I don't have the stamina that I once had. 

My life has taken a slight curve along the road. I can no longer kneel without discomfort. I can only take one step at a time on the stairs. Driving a long way cramps my legs. I long for a soak in the bathtub, but getting in and out is a huge problem for me. Maybe if I had a large soaking tub or a hot tub, it would work. It feels awesome to soak these old bones.

So every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is stretch in bed. This goes on for a few minutes. After breakfast, I do light calisthenics to help stretch my muscles. I'm hoping it will aid in releasing the stiffness in my joints. I'm still drinking lots of water, too. I'm also taking my turmeric and fish oil vitamins. I'm doing everything I can to help with all of this. I can only try.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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