Monday, March 5, 2018

The Handbook

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Then why, my soul, dost thou complain?
Why drooping seek the dark recess?
Shake off the melancholy chain,
For God created all to bless.
The gloomy mantle of the night,
Which on my sinking spirits steals,
Will vanish at the morning light,
Which God, my East, my Sun, reveals.
--Thomas Chatterton.

Recently, while at my doctor appointment, I picked up the the hospital's handbook while waiting for the nurse to call my name. During all my years with this disease, I never even considered checking it out nor even looked at any of the pamphlets displayed in every available waiting room. 

This "handy" book is quite an informing little thing. There is a phone directory of all the hospital services, not doctor's or clinics, but services like chaplain or parking. Maybe you may want to know where all the bathrooms are located or what time the florist/gift shoppe closes. It's all in there.

Besides all that fabulous information, it also lists the patient's rights and responsibilities. It's actually several pages long in detail. It provides helpful hints on preventing infections and on personal care such as making a living will. Who knew it held such handy details?

It ends with a checkout checklist and a list of different support groups for every particular disease known to men. Very informative and I had no idea until I picked it up out of sheer boredom in a waiting room. Next time you are in the hospital, make sure you pick up your copy. You'll be glad you did. 

Have a blessed day everyone.  

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