Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Wake

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

One poor day!
Remember whose and how short it is!
It is God's day, it is Columbus 's.
One day with life and heart is more than
 time enough to found a world.
--James Russell Lowell.

There is something about a death that brings people together. Grief welcomes others. It reaches deep inside of us bringing forth our innermost emotions of loneliness, sorrow, relief, immortality. We spend our days reliving the moments of our lives with this person. How can a lifetime flash past before us in a couple of days? Is that all that it is? Little moments, good and bad?

Death means something different to all of us. It all depends on where one is spiritually. To some it is a final act leading no where. How depressing! To others, a go between, a waiting room of forgiveness before entering Heaven. What was the point of the Cross then? For me, it means a celebration with my Lord. The final destination to my eternal home. I choose the third!

I have been to numerous wakes and funerals in my time, as all of us. Some were beautifully orchestrated with fine music, readings, testimonials and ornate processions. Only once did I find it difficult to find a pleasant memory with that person. Death is difficult for the family and friends to comprehend, especially if the person involved was young. Funerals are for the living to come to terms with the dead. 

This evening, I'm going to another. A brother of a good friend. They don't become any easier on anyone. Many tears have been spent and more will follow, but this is a necessary passage to everlasting life. Another stage of our life. Another Season to endure. Oh, the pain and the sorrow. Let us offer comfort to the family. God bless the Duggan family!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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