Friday, February 23, 2018

Sunday Morning Nomad Pt.?

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                          everyday is a journey.

Trials must and will befall;
But with humble faith to see
Love inscribed upon them all,
This is happiness to me.

These past few years, I've been a Sunday morning nomad, roaming from church to church not wanting to belong anywhere. After serving for over six straight years on a regular basis, I felt burnt out and in desperate need for spiritual rebirth within my soul. I had absolutely no desire to belong anywhere, let alone serve. 

For awhile that has served me well, visiting different churches and seeing how they run. I could go in and be part of the service without being part of the church family. I didn't have to make small talk with anyone. I didn't have to volunteer my services. I didn't have to get involved in someone's life.  I could go in and out like bandit.

Then we moved here. We belong to a very large Church here. I think we started coming there to almost be lost with everyone else. All because of our past volunteering and involvement in the Church, it sure feels nice to just sit down and listen to the Word of God. 

It all sounds great, but that's not what I thought it would be like. I thought I would settle down in one Church for life. Somehow, that's not possible anymore nowadays. People move now more than ever before. It used to be that a family moved into a neighborhood and settled there for life. Hence the one Church. 

I thought about that not too long ago. This place where we are at is not permanent. We're only here for a short while until I retire or the place shuts down. Then we move again, hopefully for the last time or at least, for me. Again, a new Church, a new congregation. When did I become a Church nomad going from one place to another? That was never my intention, nor was it God's. I would love to settle down for good and I cannot wait for that happen.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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