Saturday, August 5, 2017

Over The Summer

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

And there came up a sweet perfume
From the unseen flowers below,
Like the savor of virtuous deeds,
Of deeds done long ago.

What a truly wonderful Summer it has been! I don't think I've enjoyed myself this much in years! The weather is perfect. I mean, I couldn't have asked for better temperatures. I believe now that my hot flashes are done, I can enjoy myself even in the nineties. 

I find myself resting more than ever. I sleep in majority of the time and rarely get up at the crack of dawn, unless I have to for an appointment. Nights have become more difficult with my tossing and turning, my legs swelling up and aching. Could it be all the storms? I don't know. I do know that I'm tired of trying to diagnose myself. It's time to visit a doctor.  

Otherwise, it has been a leisurely Summer. No doctor appointments, except for Emily's orthodontist. The only problem? It flew by so quickly! Here we are in August. August! And I did absolutely nothing. I relaxed. Everything I did do was done in a comfortable and easygoing manner. 

As August continues to roll in, so does responsibility. Children will be going back to school and in a way, me too. It was very nice to take some time off from my many projects, but both Fall and Winter have been the busiest times for the Crocheting Ministry. It's time to dust off my crocheting hook, bring out some yarn and start making some much needed blankets, hats and scarves. 

I've noticed a change in myself that occurred during this Summer. I'm slowing down. . . .by choice. I need to breathe in everything around me. I used to live in quantity, meaning I wanted to do as much as possible. I wanted to make as many hats, as many blankets as I could in a small period, because I truly wanted to donate as much as I could. The problem here is that the joy begin leaving, because it became work and not leisure. It needs to come completely from a joyful and giving heart. I have no desire to become stale.

The end of Summer also signifies the 4th Anniversary of The Crocheting Ministry. Four years! Who knew? Only the Lord. Only the Lord.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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