Tuesday, August 29, 2017

2016 Treatment

177.50 dollars in parking
43 visits to U.I.C.
512 miles ONE WAY

I sat at my desk, calculator in front of me, as I prepared my taxes. Was this really my year? Did I really do all those miles last year? Was it really 43 visits to the clinic? It's hard to imagine, but that was my life last year. Doctors, surgery, treatments ruled my life for almost 6 months. 

Imagine what it would have looked like if it was an ongoing illness that needed to be treated daily. There are people out there who have to deal with Chronic Illness as a lifestyle. I have been extremely fortunate in my illness that I do receive a grace period of rest. It may go by quickly, but I do have it. For some people that is just not possible. 

I ended up spending a great Spring and Summer sleeping in late, enjoying my mornings before work. I still have a huge chunk of vacation left, because I didn't have any appointments. Glorious! A truly blessed and glorious feeling of freedom to live like everyone else. I am grateful for that, so I thank the Lord for His many blessings bestowed upon me. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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