Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Handbook

                                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,                  
                                                                                 everyday is a journey. 

Lord, we have wandered forth through doubt and sorrow,
    And Thou hast made each step an onward one;
  And we will ever trust each unknown morrow,--
    Thou wilt sustain us till its work is done.

Every year by my work, we are given a handbook on all the policies the company stands for and ones we have to abide by as associates. A sort of list of rules from the Company. It took me a very long time to realize that life has a guidebook as well to living fully. It's the Bible. I can actually see the grimace on your face, but it's true. 

Before I became a believer, whenever I heard a Christian say something like that or similar, I'd roll my eyes. It would drive me crazy, because I did not understand. How could the Bible, that is filled with all these phrases that no one in their right mind could decipher, be a guidebook for life. That's what I thought back then.

My first encounter with reading the Bible occurred many years ago when my children were small. I'm not sure if I was reading to just Emily or both of them, but I decided to read the Bible to them before bed. I opened it up to a random section and began reading. It happened to be on the subject of if you look at your neighbor's wife, pluck that eye out. I was shocked. What kind of book was this? I thought it was a Holy Book! Well, that was that! I closed the Bible and went on my way.

What we don't understand, we make fun of and try our best to discredit. When I finally became a believer, I engrossed myself in Bible study to learn the Word of God. I wanted to understand. I wanted to know all about the Christ Jesus. I'm still learning. It wasn't until I began reading the Bible from beginning to end that I was able to see the sequence of events that led up to Jesus dying on the Cross for me. For us. For the World. 

So yes, the Bible is my guidebook for life. I wish that everyone I ever meet in life, would end up knowing and having an intimate relationship with Jesus the way I do. That is my one wish for all of you. There is nothing close in my life as the fulfillment I feel in having God in my life. And I hope you do, too. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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