Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Unfriendly

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

When I began this blog I wanted to leave something behind for my children, my grandchildren and many friendship's I've enjoyed throughout the years. When I began sharing it on social media, I wanted to turn it into something good, for myself and for others. It didn't matter to me that majority of the social media was used in quite the opposite of that. As long as I used it for encouragement and positive reinforcement, I was good. 

I went on Facebook and soon became friends with a vast collection of friends. It didn't matter to me what race, religion or part of the world they came from, I wanted to reach out to everyone. You know, social media is good for some things like posting your statements and immediately logging off, because if you stay on someone will attack you verbally. Sometimes, even threaten you. 

Originally, I had these theories that no matter what people said I would ignore or hope to change their outlook by my behavior or words. I had this vision of being an example to others. How noble of me, right? Of course, none of that happened. I put up with bad attitudes, foul mouths and just plain cruelty.

 I'm sorry to say, but I now believe that social media does more harm than good. It's just so easy for us to post our opinions without ever having to see someone face to face. We can be as cruel or as violent as we want to be. We can hurt people with our words without the fear of retribution as we sit on our couches or in our cars attacking others. Their reaction is something we never have to witness on a personal level. 

I would watch as people would unfriend each other after silly disputes, elections or different opinions. I would shrug and shake my head in disbelief, but then it happened to me. You know, we can believe that we can handle things, but in reality, we cannot. 

There are people out there who will continually attack you verbally no matter how much you may try to make things better. You are always wrong, always the aggressor, always the bad one. They post, they hurt you with words and log off thinking nothing of it. I cannot be like that. For me, when it hurts, it hurts deeply. It ruins and steals whatever joy I may be experiencing. For that reason, I had to unfriend the unfriendly. It pains me to do so, because it goes against everything I set out to do and be. Sometimes, things don't work out no matter how much you may want it. Sometimes, we have to part and for that I am sorry.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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