Friday, November 25, 2016

The Planet Earth

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Sometimes, I stay up late on my days off crocheting as I watch documentaries, British movies or some murder series. It was on one of those crazy nights that I discovered Planet Earth. I was captivated and amazed at what I saw on this documentary.  We all could learn so much from this planet and it's other inhabitants. 

Male Emperor penguins face Winter in Antarctica where there is no sun for months and temperatures drop to 70 degrees below zero. They stay, because they guard a treasure, an egg resting on top of it's feet beneath the warm, downy folds of its belly. They do not eat or drink for four months and it is all done by the father. If only we humans held our babies in the same high regard. How is it that they value the sanctity of precious life way more than we ever had?

A pack of wolves charge into a herd of caribou targeting the weak, newborn calves. Yet, that little calf runs for it's life with everything it has, fighting for it's life even when the odds are so small. Why do we give up so easily? Why do we give in and tolerate the intolerable? That calf was all alone against that wolf, but we have God and we still give up. Where is that will to survive? Where is that strength to keep going?

There are so many varieties of birds of paradise, each one more beautiful and rarer than the last. The males really know how to court a female. They sing beautifully and melodiously to her. They tap their feet, they hop around in dance and display all their true colors for her to see. Maybe she will accept them, maybe not. Whatever happened to courting in our world? Now we have friends with benefits, casual dating or casual sex. Romance has done a disappearing act. 

The Earth is so beautiful, so vast and full of amazing sites that we cannot comprehend their very existence. How powerful our Lord must be to create something so extraordinarily unique and magnificent as our Earth. There are none like Him. If I am so in awe of the beauty on this planet, can you imagine what Heaven must look like? Will I be able to contain my JOY , all of my joy, as I walk with my Lord in the paradise of Heaven? Our Lord, our God is truly amazing!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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