Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Whisper In My Ear

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I  didn't want to go to Church today. I spent yesterday running around doing errands and before I knew it, it was over. Emily was serving both services this morning, plus a training meeting afterwards. The thought of having the apartment all to myself was so inviting.

Come on, you deserve it! The weekend is almost over and you've had no time for rest! What a perfect opportunity! Don't miss it! It's just one Sunday!

It would be so easy to listen to that voice whispering in my ear, but I can't.  It's not a good voice. It's the deceiver  and the liar. Don't be fooled.

Oh, that Holy Spirit that is living inside of me is whispering to my heart. Has God not been good to me? Has He not provided when the balance in the checking account was low? Has not that '98 Durango been starting up and running every single time? Only by His Grace am I walking around, only by His Grace.

With a heavy step and heart, off to Church I go. I'm glad I made it there. If I hadn't, I would have missed communion and the valuable lesson of the sermon. How can I start my work week with nothing to feed my soul with? What was I thinking?

Work is not sin, but because of sin work became cursed.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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