Friday, November 13, 2015

Commonly Asked Questions

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The minute people find out that I have cancer, question after question follows as a deep desire is found to know more about the newest health threat. Cancer is everywhere. We all know someone who either has it, had it or is awaiting results. The number one question that is asked of me?

HOW did you know?
I actually felt my tumor, all seven pounds of it. The only problem was that I didn't even think it was cancer. I just knew that something wasn't right, maybe a bacterial infection of sorts, but as soon as Emily graduated I would go in for an examination. I didn't have time before that to go in.

Didn't you have regular pap smears?
Believe it or not, pap smears don't show ovarian cancer, only a scan or a blood test CA125. Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer, because it is difficult to diagnosis in it's early stages. A pap smear is good for cervical/uterine cancer or any other irregularities that women may experience. We are a complicated gender.

What were some of the symptoms you were feeling?
I wish I could tell you that my symptoms were red flags announcing I have cancer, but that's not what happened. I was extremely tired, lost weight and had problems with constant constipation. Who hasn't experienced all three at one time or another? The most obvious was my outward appearance. Unbeknownst to me, I looked sickly and several people mentioned at work their concern for me.

Let me honestly tell you that nowadays I am so aware of my body's aches and pains. If I'm tired, I take a nap. If something hurts, I tell my doctor everything. I get a flu shot every year, wipe down my desk everyday and make sure I eat healthy. I make a point to help my doctor's in the preventive care of my well being. It's all about preventive care. Make those appointments and stick to them.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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