Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Dinosaur In A Modern World

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

We all have experienced seasons of all types in our life. We have our good days and we have our bad days. It seems this week it has been more of the latter for me.
Last night in particular, brought to mind a time when I was travelling to Springfield via Amtrak. On our first stop, an older lady got on and made her way to the empty seat beside me.
She sat down. We said hello. She's visiting her son's family just as I. I like your shoes. Thank you very much. We chatted about the scenery and the weather. Where do you work? I've recently retired.
What? I'm a little shocked, because she isn't that much older than I. I ask her why.
You see, I worked in a bank handling large corporate clients. Then these young bucks straight from college came in with these new ideas and better ways to be more efficient. Suddenly, I found myself struggling to keep up in their world. I've worked there all of my life and I felt useless. I was afraid of losing my job. I thought that perhaps it was better if I retired and let those young bucks take over  since they felt they could do so much better than all of my experience.
You know, I thought about this woman yesterday and I understood completely how she felt. All of my upper management are in their twenties, the same age as my children. I listen to all their ideas and I feel like a dinosaur in a modern world. I don't have their energy. I don't have their technical know how.
Aging is sooooo difficult. This week I'm really feeling it. My legs feel like cement blocks every time I move them. I feel every ache with every movement my body makes. For the first time, I'm beginning to consider my options. I'm tired.

Have a blessed week everyone.

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