Thursday, February 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Once in a while, I feel whimsical and want to try something different, more airy and fun. Hence, I might give a try to a little fun poetry such as the one below. Happy Thursday, my friends.

Once Upon A Time
 Once upon a time
there was a middle aged woman
all sick and frail
whose biggest fear
was weighing upon the scale
after much wear and tear
upon her body and soul
her heart called out
let's runaway and explore
where shall we go ?
to the country , to the country
let it be so
where the trees grow tall
and wildflowers roam
where there is no wall
built around her soul
she can run around free
drinking her tea
taking naps under a tree
and come Sunday morn
off to Church she goes
singing praise and thanks
to the One
who gave her life
each day once more

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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