Friday, February 20, 2015

One Step At A Time

Taking those first steps at home on my own remain one of my best moments of my recovery. Those few steps convinced me I was getting better.
Excerpt form 90 Minutes In Heaven.

When I remember those first few months of recovery, all I think of is how naïve I was in the whole process of  cancer treatment. I really had no idea what I was in for.

I was so incredibly weak that everything seemed such a monumental obstacle to overcome. Just sitting in our garden on a bench for a few minutes, took a lot out of me. Maybe, it was the walk from the living room to the backyard that tired me out, but naps usually followed any kind of activity.

In the first few weeks of my recovery, a bed was made for me on  the couch in the living room. It was the perfect spot since it was large enough for me to freely move around in, it had a television, had no stairs for me to climb and the front door was right there.

During my recovery, there were many naps throughout the day, because every physicality took so much out of me. Even food was a huge deal since my appetite was gone and my weight was getting smaller every week.

When did I realize I was becoming stronger? I think the first night that  I actually slept through the entire night without waking, I knew I was finally getting better.

Or the first week without any kind of pain to report was amazing. I was sitting in Church when I realized I actually went through the entire week and no medical complaints of any kind. I knew I was getting better.

It's funny how we measure our levels of success. When we are healthy and everything is going great, we place a much higher goal for ourselves, sometimes even one that is unattainable. Yet, when we are struggling, everything changes and we focus on living more a step by step mentality. There's a lesson here, folks.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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