Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Some Things

Pain and trials are almost constant companions, but never enemies. They drive me into His sovereign arms. There He takes my disappointments and works everything together for good. 
Kay Arthur

I honestly believe Kay is right . When I was a 

little girl , my mom would always have this 

saying she would repeat to me as an 

explanation to life itself  . 

God has planned your life while you were still a tiny 

dot inside me .

Of course , that would just open up a whole slew of 

questions for me and I was a child with tons of 

questions .

 When I think of my life before cancer , it almost 

seems a waste , as if 

I was living a past life in another dimension . An 

incomplete life , where I was looking for something 

that seemed unattainable  

and that something was also unexplainable . 

Some things , one cannot define , yet the longing is 

real and so is the thirst  . 

Some things cannot be explained ,yet our desire to 

be loved and cared for is greater than the fear of not 

knowing  .

Some things are beyond words , yet when we find it , 

we feel as if we've finally made it home after years of 

being lost and hungry .

Some things are worth taking the risk of believing , 

taking hold of Faith and placing our trust into the 

 hands of Sovereignty . 

So yes , cancer is my pain and my sorrow , but it also 

has become my dear , dear friend .  

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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