Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day Five

Dear Diary , 

The last thing I wanted to do is head out to Navy Pier with Emily . After running around all weekend , I just wanted to sit down somewhere and do nothing , but crochet or write . 

The train ride for our downtown experience was fun as we took selfies , giggling and laughing at ourselves . I love riding the train ! Whenever I hear the whistle blowing . . . . .  well , I just want to go somewhere .

Getting there itself was quite an accomplishment . Neither one of us are downtown savvy . Let me tell you , diary , downtown is full of activity . Everywhere you look there are people rushing about dressed in all sorts of fashion . 

There are people going to work in business suits , wearing stilettos  : young teens dressed in red , white and blue , carrying the american flag  while singing the national anthem : young parents lugging around their children , bags and strollers heading to the lakefront . 

Let's not forget the musicians playing and Tina Turner lookalike singing , " What's Love Got To Do With It " . We even saw an Amish girl reading a book in a cafe . 

We walked and walked , taking all of it in . We walked past the open market with over-priced goods . We walked past a family of born again Christians standing on the corners holding huge signs declaring " Jesus Loves You " . We did stop there , only to encourage the young teen holding that sign . How brave she was spending her vacation evangelizing God's Word . We left her , smiling so brightly . 

We ate our grapes and apples on the Pier overlooking the lake as seagulls flew all around us hoping for a nibble . Believe me , I was exhausted . When I saw myself in the bathroom mirror , I almost burst out laughing . My face all sweaty , hair all over the place and sunburn everywhere . What a sight !

Riding back on the train with our Dunkin Donut treat ( I had an iced coffee and she had green ice tea ) , I glanced over to my girl . She looked so happy , chatting all the way .

Of course , the day wasn't over . We still had to work out on that darn elliptical . Ugggh , so tired !

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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