Friday, July 11, 2014

Day Four

Dear Diary , 

I am so bothered by today's turn of events , that it will be a while before I forget them . A wasted horrible day  !

It began so peacefully . I was completely content  where I was at in the morning , lost in my work . On my bed , laid out on every available space , were my crosses . Every single cross was different , unique in his own way . As I stared at my creations , I felt a sense of pride , of ownership at the abundance of my task . 

So engrossed was I , that I didn't notice the hours slipping past until Emily walked in and remarked ;
" Shouldn't you be having coffee with your girlfriend ? "

I groaned , because I didn't want to leave the sanctity of  my room . Who wants to go out into the smothering heat of mid-day ? Who knew two weeks ago when I made the date that I would feel this way . 

Well , that coffee didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped . For some reason , she was very busy making errands and I waited and waited in the heat for  her to be through . Some things are not meant to be , no matter how much you try for it to happen . So I moved on to my next appointment . 

Again , I waited . This time for my ex-boss turned friend . We met at a coffee shoppe that recently opened across the street from work . It was quaintly decorated with white chiffon curtains , gourmet-style coffee and a slice of baklava . Who could say no to all that ?

Whenever we get together , we talk and talk for hours . At eight , the shoppe closed and we just moved onto Dunkin Donuts . More coffee and more chatting while outside a storm thundered and  streets flooded unbeknownst to us . 

Finally , around 10:15 p.m. , we say our goodbyes and head to our parked cars . There was a STORM outside raging and we had no idea ! Driving home was a nightmare filled with my praying all the way . No one was driving in their lane , but in the middle , because we could not see in front of us . Streets were flooded and closed . I had to go around them  and I thought I would never get home . 

I was so upset with myself . I felt like I wasted the entire afternoon and evening doing absolutely nothing . The only saving grace was the meeting with my ex-boss . Even then I couldn't really enjoy it , because I was so frustrated from my earlier appointment . I was hot , sticky and needed a good shower  and change of clothes . 

I groaned out loud in frustration when I thought of next day's activities . Another full day , this time with Emily . When am I going to do what I planned on this vacay ? 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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