Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Game Of Life

The game of Life sits atop our shelf in the living room . Whenever , I make a comment to Emily of having a quiet night in , she instantly reaches for that board game . She loves board games , card games , any kind of games . Not exactly what I had in mind when I said a quiet evening .

Everytime we play , it's a different result . Either we end up wealthy with lots of kids or poor with none . It makes no difference how many times we play , the game of life is never the same .

That's just how real life happens to be . No matter how much you try to plan , it doesn't always turn out quite the way you expected .
We all start off the same way , by coming into this world , and yet our lives are so very different from that point on .

What makes the difference ? Choices . First ,  these choices are made by the people who raise us and then by us . How we start out in life really makes a difference . I , for instance , have made many bad choices earlier on that have affected how my life has turned out so far . Have I learned from them ? You betcha !

When my children became adults  , all I wanted is for them to start life better than when I did . This way , when they messed up or made a wrong turn  in life , it's much easier to get back on track .

Now , back to that game of Life . Roll that dice and let's see where it will take us this time . Have a Blessed day everyone .

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