Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stillness Of The Morning

One of my childhood memories happens to be of waking early to the clip-clopping of the horses hooves upon the cobblestone street in my hometown of Niedzieliska , Poland . My grandmother downstairs in the kitchen churning fresh butter for the day . The memory so fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday instead of thirty-odd years ago .

There is something so comforting and so relaxing about waking early in the morn when the sky is still dark with night . No human life is seen outside nor any car is heard driving away . Where the only sound is the chirping of the birds welcoming the new day .
There is a cool breeze swaying the curtains of an open window  before the heat of the day begins .

Only in the summer can we enjoy moments like these  . Moments where we sit reclined in our favorite chair sipping our coffee waiting for the world to stir from it's slumber . A world that looks so calm , so serene , so unlike itself . A world filled with God's beauty .

I love these private moments where I feel like I'm alone with my God . A time where I don't have to share Him with anyone else . We sit and sip that first cup of the day , that coffee that tastes so delicious , unlike anything we've had before . A quiet moment where nothing else matters except the exchange of an open heart to her Master .

Would you come sit with us ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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