Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In The Name Of God

The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
( Proverbs 18:10)

That was me this morning . When I walked outside and saw a raging storm and flooding streets , I saw God's power . As I drove in it , all I could do is pray . I prayed and called out His name all the way home .

When I arrived safely an hour later  and opened up my daily bible verse ( see above ) , I've realized how true it is . I can't recall a time in my life where I haven't called out in prayer to God . Whether it was a physical health need or thankfulness or a prayer request , He has always been a part of me . My relationship with Christ has become more private , endearing and loving as I age .

I wish all of my relationships were that fulfilling . People will hurt you and abandon you , but only He can love you unconditionally . When He cast out Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden , even though He was angry and disappointed , He still provided clothing for them . He didn't leave them nor stop loving them .

I wish everyone could see and feel His love . Just think how their lives would change . How comforted they would be in times of turmoil . So why is it so difficult to surrender to His love ? Why is it so hard to believe ? That saddens me .

The love and care that God represents is available to everyone . Are you ready to open your heart to love ? All you have to say is yes and call out to Him by name .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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