Monday, June 10, 2013

A Total Blank

These past couple of days , I have been home recuperating from a treatment . Nothing new there . It happens every three weeks . What is new is how productive I have been during this time . I'm not doing anything strenuous , just crocheting .

Deep down inside , I know what's behind all this renewed energy , even with chemo . My mind has been preoccupied with all that's been going on , leaving my mind a total blank concerning other things .

This blog , for instance , has been one of those things . Lately , it seems , I sit down and stare at the blank screen with a blank head . Forming words , thoughts or ideas has become a real struggle .

That's why crocheting is the answer for now . It always has been my relaxer and that's where I need to be .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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