Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Brave Choice

"I wouldn't call it the brave choice. I actually think it’s the most fearful choice you can make when confronting anything with cancer," she said in the last question of an interview with The Washington Blade writer Joey DiGielmo.
Etheridge added that she believes cancer is triggered as much from mental and physical health as it is by genetics. "Plenty of people have the gene mutation but it never comes to cancer, so I would say to anybody faced with that, that choice is way down the line on the spectrum of what you can do and to really consider the advancements we’ve made in things like nutrition and stress levels.
"I've been cancer-free for nine years now and looking back, I completely understand why I got cancer. There was so much acidity in everything," she said. "I really encourage people to go a lot longer and further before coming to that conclusion."

I wasn't upset about the " Brave " comment made by Etheridge . Bravery is a little bit like beauty , everyone has their own idea of what that happens to be . What did make my blood boil was her comment about the causes of cancer .

Everyone is an expert on the  causes of cancer and yet , here we are with no cure .

 I believe the reason she made that comment had to do with the fact of her being in remission for nine years . God Bless ! I'm happy for her , but not everyone can say the same . The longer you are in remission , the more secure you feel in thinking you have that cancer licked . I know many people whose cancer has come back years later .

Some of us aren't that lucky . Believe me , it's not because we are not taking good care of our bodies . If anything , we are aware of every ache , rash or bump . We see our doctor regularly . How often do you non-cancer people see yours ?

Nor is it because we are stressed out . Stress does add to every illness , but in my case , I have become happier . Time is a blessing and I definitely don't want to waste it in anger or needless stress .  Cancer changes our quality of life for the better , especially our mental state .

I have been told by a New Age friend that I must have had a lot of anger in my life to get cancer .

I have been told that if I eat more broccoli , or beets or that special vegetable that grows in a special land will keep my cancer away .

I have been given the address of Monks that live in the mountains of Europe that make a tea that will erase all cancer tumors .

I have been given a  vial of Greek oil blessed by the high priests that will heal me if applied directly to the area of where my cancer has grown .

I have been told that the reason I'm not cured is because I don't believe enough . My faith is obviously not strong . I shouldn't even say that word " cancer " , because I'm inviting it to stay .

Should I go on ? I can keep going , I have plenty more where that came from . Again , we have no cure for cancer , even with all these " special treatments " , but I'll make sure to let my oncologist know .

When I went through my genetic testing , I asked the doctor why or how I got cancer . She replied that if they knew the how or why , we would have the cure .

At my last chemo session , I asked my oncologist if I could drink wine . She replied :
" Drink wine ,  have a margarita , heck , drink a beer . Live your life " .

Quite honestly , I'm not even looking for the cure . If it happens , hey , great . If not , well I'm too busy trying to live this life of mine with a glass of wine in my hand .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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