Monday, June 24, 2013

My Treasures

I have a treasure . It does not consist of a bank load of money . My chest is not full of jewelry . I do not own a huge and beautiful house that is filled with expensive furniture .

My treasure lies within the arms of grandchildren , who freely wrap them around me . Grandchildren who look at me with love in their eyes . Grandchildren who want to know me .

My treasure is a red Durango with God sitting behind the wheel . There is no other reason why it starts when you turn the key . A red Durango that has carried my belongings as I traveled the road of life .

My treasure is my crocheting hook that offers comfort to me  as well as others . It was learned in childhood , brought out from  illness and used for good .

My treasure are letters that can form words . These words tell a story of my life with cancer . You can see these stories on a blog  where they are  used as an expression of my innermost  emotions .

My treasure are the people with whom I come in contact with everyday . The people who share my laughter , my tears and my pain . The people I know and the ones I've yet to meet .

My treasure is a Son that has died on the Cross for me so I can spend my eternity in Heaven with Him . He has saved my soul .
What is your treasure ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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