Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tips , Tips And More Tips

It seems that we all  know of someone who has cancer or other forms of illness these days . We are faced with sticky situations as to what to say or what to do when confronted with an ill friend or family member . Here are a few tips that I found work great .

1. Next time you need to visit someone at home or in the hospital , try bringing muffins or coffee instead of the usual flowers or candy . Of course , not everyone can have that per doctor instructions , but it works great for the family who are by the bedside . The last thing they're thinking about is food . Sometimes , they just don't want to leave the patient alone even for a second . Or maybe , you can prepare a casserole for someone who had chemo and doesn't feel well . When you're sick , the last thing you feel like doing is  cooking . Believe me , it will be greatly appreciated .

2. We never know what to say to someone who lost a dear one or is faced with a disease that has no cure . The best thing . . . don't say anything . Talk about mundane things as a starter . I have found that I don't always want to talk about my cancer . Let's talk about something else . I'll bring it up at my pace  and choice . No uncomfortable silences and chats .

3. Back to food again . My mom will make a huge pot of soup which she ladles out into small containers . I keep them in the freezer and when needed just pop them into the microwave . Same thing with cancer foods like beets and cabbage . Any salad she makes is always in a small container . When you're sick , you can't  really eat a regular size meal .

4. Water is your best friend . I know , I know . People hate to drink bland , ordinary water . Water works great on any illness . If you have nausea , constipation , heartburn , bloatedness . . . . I could go on and on . Here's a tip to make water taste a whole lot better : I use a 96 oz. juice bottle that I washed out . I fill it halfway with water and place it in the freezer . When frozen , I fill the other half with fresh water . Ice cold tastes the best . You could also flavor it with lemon or orange wedges or any kind of fruit . Try it , you'll feel better .

5. This is my favorite thing that I do everyday . When you 're sick , you don't feel up to par when you get up . You feel groggy , tired  and just plain blah . I take a washcloth and run very hot water to soak the washcloth completely . Squeeze it out ( careful , it's hot ) and place on your entire face for a few minutes . How refreshing ! You feel so much better instantly . I love it .

Well , that's just a few tips . Hope you have a Blessed and healthy week .

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