Friday, November 16, 2012

Feel The Power

Feel the love . Feel the loss . Feel empowered . In the year 2007 , 2011 and 2012 . . . . . my progression chart .

Driving home from the doctor , radio blaring and I'm singing at the top of my lungs right along with it . In my handbag , the fmla packet all filled out and signed ready for the fax machine . There is no worry or fretting regarding those papers . . . whatever . My mood over brimming with JOY . Where did that come from ?

In my mind a chart is spread out recording my emotional struggles with cancer .
2007-felt the love
2011 - cried with despair and a sense of loss
2012 - I feel empowered . I feel joy .
What is happening here ? I don't know . People are hugging me with tears in their eyes , offering their prayers for my health  and I'm okay . I'm happy . There must be something wrong with me . I'm truly happy .

I have cancer . . . . so what . I'm probably dying . . . . so what . I'm going to a Paradise . I have children who love me . I have friends who would do anything for me . I have family that is there for me  . I have Church that prays and supports me . How am I a victim ? How am I losing ?

I'm winning .  All these years , I've been searching for that JOY and now I've finally found it . As far as I'm concerned I'm winning . I feel the power of Jesus Christ in my life and no one can take that from me . There is nothing to cry about here .

Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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