Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Resident Evil

Ms. Krol , please follow me .

Following the technician into the room for my mugascan , I just nodded as she explained the procedure . I tuned half of what she was saying out . It's just another day , with another test , in another part of the hospital .

Which arm would you prefer , Ms. Krol ?

I showed her both and she frowns . My veins are nonexistent because of all the chemo I've had . The chemo just destroys the veins and it will be years before they return to normal . Which arm ? Take your pick .

After finding a passable vein , she draws blood and sends it to the lab to be mixed in with some radioactive gamma something . She lost me after awhile  , so I really don't remember the name of it . Then it sits for like 20 minutes and then re-inserted back into my bloodstream . The blood mixture will float to my heart or something like that . Then they take a five minute picture of my heart from two separate angles . They want to see how my heart reacts . The chemo I will be using is a sister drug to another chemo that  has a tendency to hurt the heart .

As I laid there , they kept asking me if I was alright . I almost fell asleep . That's how immune I have become to all these tests . Yes , I was alright . I certainly hope I didn't emit a little snore here and there .

That evening , I related to Emily the whole procedure . I felt a little bit like Alice from Resident Evil . That entire test resembled the T-virus that was re-inserted into Alice and it mutated with her blood making her invincible . I can't even wrap my head around modern technology in the medicine world . What they can do ! Will I become a little bit invincible myself ?

All Emily wanted to know is did I wear that same outfit that Alice wore while they worked on her . . . . you know . . . . .the one where two pieces the size of a hankerchief were tied together . . . one in the front of her naked body and the other in the back ?

I can see a bit of myself in her everyday . That's just what I would ask . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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