Friday, November 2, 2012

In Preparation

Thinking back to the days of stocking up the shelves , I almost want to laugh out loud . Here I thought I was storing up for the winter , when in fact , I was storing up for chemo . God has been secretly preparing me for what was to come .

There is alot to do . I guess , there is a benefit to going through this again and again . You definitely know what to expect and what to prepare for .

Having spent the last few days preparing the paperwork , I find that I still don't understand FMLA . Lord , I'm not sure if I can deal with these people again . This time around , I'm trying  to avoid alot of these loopholes . I plan on working and taking off only a week for my chemo treatment .

My one concern is that my body won't be able to handle it as time goes and I will be extremely tired . Also , I will be given a new chemo and with that come additional side effects . Who knows if I will be able to handle all of it  on top of working ? I need to prepare myself .

Today , we're finalizing the treatment dates . I still have to retake my mammogram since it came out abnormal . Plus , my flu shots and blood tests . And that's just my health issues .
There's still my cancer supplies I need to get like clorox wipes , saltines , anti-diahrrea pills etc . Getting my car winterized or serviced for any repairs . If there is anything that can be done  to prevent my running around later , I'm getting it done .

Then there is my favorite . ...I clean out the apartment and get rid of things I don't need . Yes , it really is my fave . To me , it represents taking hold of my life and getting rid of the unwanted stuff out of it . It means I have control .

So let's get cracking !

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