Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Secrets Within

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey

What does your anxiety do?
 It does not empty to-morrow, brother, 
of its sorrow; but ah! it empties to-day of its strength. 
It does not make you escape the evil;
 it makes you unfit to cope with it if it comes.
—Ian Maclaren

The photo above is courtesy of my friend Cindy Alvarado from her trip back home to Ecuador.

As a young woman, I had several friends of mine excitedly share all the intimate secrets from their love affairs or their own heartfelt desires. That's what young girls do, you know. We share. Yet, even as a youngster, I was never able to open up in such a vulnerable way with any girlfriend.

As I became older, I would break that rule once or twice and bare my soul with someone that I considered a dear friend. Unfortunately, such confessions have come back to haunt me as I quickly learned that a friend is a good friend until they become your enemy. Once the friendship is lost, all the secrets come spilling out. All with one purpose in mind . . . to hurt  and damage you.

Experiences such as the one mentioned above have sort of changed how I express myself with friends and even family. I have learned valuable lessons from living life. Secrets are damaging
 to the soul. So is voicing them aloud. One has to be extremely careful in whom we confide. When someone is hurting, they want to also inflict pain onto others, because misery loves company. No one's secrets are safe with mankind.

This is why, if I have any kind of regrets, it's the ones where I thought I could share these secrets with others. People who I thought I could trust. I was mistaken, many times. We are such fallen people, such sin filled people that we don't know how to be good on a regular basis. When we hurt, others must hurt, too. When we are crying, others must cry. When we are rejoicing, we cannot understand why people are so gloomy. Being righteous is terribly difficult for us mere humans.

Nowadays, I keep certain things to myself. I tell people what I want them to know. Nothing more, nothing less. If I have any secrets to share, there is just One that I am willing to tell. The Lord is the only one I tell my secrets, my deepest desires to, because you see, His intentions toward me have always been pure.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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