Saturday, October 19, 2019

Blessed To Be Alone

                                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                            everyday is a journey.

Lonesomeness is part of the cost of power.
mmediate the responsibility, 
the less can a man delegate his tasks
 or escape his own mistakes.
—Shailer Mathews

Sometimes being alone is a blessing. I dislike tension of any kind and whenever disharmony happens, I'll be the first to disappear. I find that people like drama and they like to argue so they can be proven right. I pick my fights. I don't just lash out at every Tom, Dick and Harry. One can't fight every battle in life. Be choosy, folks. Be choosy.

Lately, it seems the atmosphere has been pretty thick, especially at work. People have been high strung and easily offended without much effort. I don't become entangled in any of these messes even when I am asked to take a side. The side I choose is my own, I CHOOSE TO BE alone.

The way I am now is pretty different from my youth. When I was young, I was a regular Norma Rae, fighting everyone's cause. It didn't take much to set me off. A petite bull, that was me. Nowadays, I want peace at all cost. I believe that all that stress, tension and anger had a lot to do with my disease. It cannot be good for anyone to be so volatile inside. Living the life of serenity is a lot more appealing to me now.

So all these arguments among my fellow co-workers and even my neighbors are not for me. I retreat into my lonely shell until all of this blows over. It will blow over, because that is life. It's all a Season in our lives with the ripples of time going in and out. Some of them are good and some are bad. It's just a Season we have to live through the best way we can. If it's worth a fight, I will FIGHT. If not, I will go into my lonely shell until it blows over.

People tend to feed off others. If the atmosphere is positive, they become positive. The same applies for negativity. I have plenty of that without anyone else's help, thank you. Let's try to live a life that God intended for us. A peaceful and loving one.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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