Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Procrastinator Living Inside

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey

My soul could not incline itself 
on the one side or the other, 
since another will had taken 
the place of its own;
 but only nourished itself with
 the daily providences of God.

I remember this one closet in our old place. I wanted to rearrange the contents inside, but kept postponing the inevitable. Every time I opened the closet door, there were more and more things thrown inside. Pretty soon that closet was packed tight! Each time I decided to tackle the problem, when I looked inside, I felt overwhelmed by what I saw. So instead of attacking the problem, I once more shut the door, hoping it would go away.

I think we all have a little bit of a procrastinator dwelling inside of us. He likes to come out whenever we are faced with a task we don't particularly want to do. That's what I think is the problem with all procrastinators. . . .it all has to do with the task involved.

It starts so small, just a messy closet or an unpaid bill. Or a misunderstanding between old friends. By choosing to do nothing, we actually create an even bigger mess. We feel overwhelmed, overly stressed and unable to energize our bodies into action. Suddenly, that messy closet turns into a disaster and that unpaid bill doubles, because of late fees. The misunderstanding quickly turns into avoidance and then a total breakup of the friendship. No one quite knows what happened.

 This year seems to be all about procrastination and finally setting things right in more ways than one. I am not only fighting that procrastinator living inside of me, but I am trying to conquer it, banishing it into oblivion. There are so many things that I allowed to fall into the wayside, things that could have been resolved much quicker with less agitation. Now, they have escalated to a degree of frustration. I only have myself to blame.

So I am stressed out. I feel totally overwhelmed. I keep re-reading a quote I found months ago as an encouragement for me to move forward. Setting things right takes patience, time and endurance. 

No matter how overwhelmed your problems, you need have no fear. God will strengthen and help you. He will hold you up and make you adequate for any situation.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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