Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ministry Minimalism

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.

The righteousness he marks in Thee
    His will to right doth win;
  Delighting in Thy purity,
    He deeply drinks it in.

What is minimalism?
Minimalism is defined as a focus on the simplest way.

What does it mean to be a minimalist?
It is believed that being a minimalist means you are making decisions based on what you need instead of what you want. The material world does not appeal to you.

Now that we have explained what minimalism means to us, how do we incorporate that way into the Ministry? Well, we have to remember what our main objective has always been when we began this Ministry. The goal was to provide the various charitable organizations with the skills of our hands a finished usable item. We could always make sweaters, dresses and all sorts of knitted clothes, but what is the real need out there? What do the people need the most? What does a homeless person need at that moment? They need a mat to sleep on, a blanket to cover them and a hat to keep them warm.

Every time, I check out a new charity, the first thing I do is check their wish list. Every organization has one. If you are uncertain what to donate, just click on that portion of the website. They will provide you with their biggest need. The basics consist of hats, scarves and blankets (baby and adult). There are some that will take other things such as homeless mats, shawls, wheelchair bags or twiddle muffs.

Just keep in mind, that every item you donate should be washed in an unscented detergent. Many people wash their items in conditioner to soften the yarn. Please read all the ingredients first to make sure there is nothing in them that someone may have a reaction. Try to remember that many people out there have allergies and/or have health issues. We want to make sure the item is clean and free of anything like animal hair if you have a pet or smoke free if you smoke. The same thing applies to the type of yarn you are using. We want to avoid 100% wool for two reasons: one, not many people know how to take care of wool. Two, many people are allergic to it. Another thing to keep in mind is the type of stitching used. If you are crocheting to a prenatal unit, make sure all your stitches are tightly together with no gaps. Hospitals do not like to use these type of baby blankets due to the high risk of baby's parts such as hands getting caught in them. Don't worry if you have donated some, they will send them to another unit.

When I go shopping for yarn for the Ministry, my main objective is to get the most for my buck. That may sometimes involve choosing basic colors, because they are cheaper. The more exotic the yarn or color, the more it costs. When you are on a budget and want that yarn to stretch as much as possible, you go for the deals.

 I have learned a lot these past six years and the basics really never change. You change the name, the logo, but you can't change the main objective. The mission statement represents who you are as a Ministry and what you want to achieve. What is the reason for your Ministry? What are you trying to accomplish? Remember that goal and it will always steer you right.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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