Thursday, October 24, 2019

Am I Doing Enough

                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

As God leads me, will I go,--
    Nor choose my way;
  Let Him choose the joy or woe
    Of every day:
  They cannot hurt my soul,
  Because in His control:
  I leave to Him the whole,--
    His children may.

It is nothing new to us that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We have seen the little pink ribbon logo almost everywhere. It is safe to say that everyone has become aware of breast cancer. Still, I support all cancer research and if there is some way that I can help, I am all in. When the yearly breast cancer walk registry was sent out from our HR, I quickly signed up. Not a problem, especially since it was close by and I was free that Saturday. So I walked.

The day itself was lovely, not as cold as it usually can be at this time. The Sun came out as we walked through one of the loveliest neighborhoods. Some residents sat on their doorsteps with coffee in hand, waving us on. Others beeped their horns as they passed. It was a very nice morning to spend with fellow co-workers, all of us decked out in our pink finest.

I came home wondering why I haven't seen anything for ovarian cancer or lung or colon? It doesn't even matter what type of cancer we insert there, breast cancer will always overshadow the rest. I am not being bitter here at all, so please do not be on the offensive. There are many cancer patients out there dying or suffering. No one is exempt from the claws of this monster we call cancer. I am not making light of one over the other. I am simply stating that every single cancer patient out there deserves for their cancer to be known. We all deserve to march in our walks for research. So why are we not hearing about them?

I am astounded and a bit perplexed why my hospital has not sent me or had flyers in the clinic on the various cancer walks available. I say this, because there are walks, but where are they? When are they? Who organizes them? I see my team in the hospital cancer clinic.  I see the cancer ribbons representing all the cancers, but that is the extent of it. I'm sent e-mails about my visit and would I like to take a survey. I am sent e-mails on trials that are out there and would I be interested in signing up, but absolutely nothing about fundraising events or walks. Nothing!

 So I have been thinking about this ever since. I have been asking myself, am I doing enough? I don't want to become a person that sits and complains about all the things they don't care for. I want to be a person who actually does something about it. I feel almost guilty for not doing this a long time ago. Do you know why I think Breast Cancer became so well known? Well, I believe someone took a step forward and decided to educate themselves along with others. So let's do that. Let us take a step forward and ask ourselves, am I doing enough? Be the one that walks or fundraises for a friend or sister or father who has skin cancer or lung cancer or any other type. There is enough awareness for breast cancer. Awareness needs to be in the forefront for all the rest of the cancers.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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