Saturday, September 14, 2019

Letting A Dream Die

                                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                everyday is a journey.

It is perfectly obvious that men .
do necessarily absorb, out of the influences
 in which they grow up, 
something which gives a complexion
 to their whole after-character.
—Anthony Froude.

We as humans have a natural desire to dream. We learn early on in our life that in order for us to achieve what we want, we have to ask for it. That can come in many forms. We can verbalize what we want. We will get down on our knees every night before bed and pray for it. We can write about our deepest wishes in the form of a letter or secret diary. Whatever way we choose, we learn very quickly that if we stay the course, God will hear our request. 

What are you dreaming for? What have you spent years praying for? How many tears have you wept over that dream? How much preparation have you spent trying to grow mentally, spiritually and physically for when that dream will materialize? How many times have you thought to yourself that perhaps it will happen now or maybe this year? Soon?

Sometimes, we just need to let go of that dream and allow it to die. Sometimes, we need to admit to ourselves that perhaps it is not meant to be for us. Sometimes, we need to realize that the answer is a simple no. Sometimes, we have to accept, acknowledge and release that dream. Just let it go.

If I asked you what you thought was my dream, I can guarantee you will not be able to guess it. It is something very precious to me that I have not penned a single word of it. Oh, maybe only one or two or three have ever heard it, but would they remember it? So many of us treat each other's words as mere ramblings that evaporate into the thin air. Can we recall any of it?

Letting go of something so dear, so personal, so real can be heartbreaking. We have held onto it for so long that we can visualize our life only being attached to it. We don't know anything else. We cannot imagine anything else. We have give n it life in our hearts and our minds.

Oh, don't feel sorry for me. Don't try to leave encouraging verses to just believe or wait a bit longer. It's been a long, long time. It would be cruel to keep hanging on. Let us mourn and let go. When the right time comes, we can perhaps dream a new dream? A little at a time? I mean, we as humans have a nature desire to ask for things we desire. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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