Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fighting Negativity

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                       everyday is a journey.

She doeth little kindnesses
    Which most leave undone or despise;
  For nought which sets one heart at ease,
  And giveth happiness or peace,
    Is low-esteemed in her eyes.

Negativity has been something that I have struggled with from time to time. It hasn't ruled my life, but it likes to creep in occasionally. I have tried to keep a positive outlook, looking at life as a half-filled glass rather than an empty one. I have also found that there are some trigger points that can set me off into a pit of despair. These trigger points can be something as small as a bad day or a careless comment made by someone. Either way, doubts appear almost instantly.

Negativity isn't an isolated feeling, we all experience it without even trying. Not all of us can conquer it, not even I. It takes so much work just to keep afloat on a daily basis. The devil is always at work, looking to trip us up.

I sing and listen to worship songs. I reflect on happy memories from the past. I daydream about all the things that bring me so much pleasure. I keep positive scripture taped to my desk and the refrigerator. I keep repeating encouraging sayings. I do all this in the hopes of not succumbing to the temptation of negativity. Still, there are times I fail. They're always there, lurking in the shadows, looking for a chance to sneak in.

There are so many books that have been written on being positive and overcoming negativity. Sermons have been preached! You know why? We all struggle, that's why! If you fail occasionally, please don't despair. It is extremely normal and something we all have in common. Instead, what is your go to in cases such as these? What brings you Joy? Find it and use it all the time. Just remember, you are not alone in this. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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