Thursday, September 19, 2019

Just A Friendly Reminder

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Whate'er the care which breaks thy rest,
Whate'er the wish that swells thy breast;
Spread before God that wish, that care,
And change anxiety to prayer.

Back in the day when I was young, I remember reading an interview done with a particular tennis star. I cannot remember their name, but they were very popular back then. In this interview he was quoted saying that the hardest thing to do is to finish a game you know you have lost.

Whenever I have a difficult week, this comes back to me, reminding me that I need to finish off the week. It doesn't matter how bad it can get, quitting just isn't an option.

Emily has this one co-worker, a very young girl, that keeps walking out whenever things become a bit too hot. There may be too many customers in line. A fellow co-worker may be giving her a hard time. In both situations, she has just simply walked out. The funny thing is that an hour may go by and suddenly she reappears after a pep talk with her mom.

Showing perseverance during difficult times builds character. Even though Emily may be upset with her co-worker, I still give her kudos for coming back. It isn't easy to do so after one has made such a scene storming out.

My family may be many things, but I do know that we take work very seriously . . . all of us. We may have upsetting personalities, but we value and respect work.

 So yes, the work week has been pretty intense and stressful. My body has been aching, because I am getting old. I can feel the difficult week physically as well as mentally .  Thank goodness, it is almost finished.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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