Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Winter's Prep

                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                             everyday is a journey.

Thy calmness bends serene above
    My restlessness to still;
  Around me flows Thy quickening life,
    To nerve my faltering will;
  Thy presence fills my solitude;
  Thy providence turns all to good.

Well, Labor Day has come and gone. All the children, both small and grown, should be in school by now. The garden should be thinning out, unless you have planted a Fall one. The weather is cooling off with that occasional heat wave here and there. One can hear the birds announcing their departure as they take their V formation. Even the trees are losing their greenness.

Fall is almost here. For some, it might already be here. This is the time where I sit down and make a list. I take stock of what needs to be done and what needs to be replaced. I check the pantry and make sure we have enough of everything. I check the medicine cabinet and restock all the necessary items to keep the Doctor away. I check the cleaning supplies as well as the cat food and litter. The same goes for our clothes, shoes and coats. Do we have everything we need for the Winter? That is the question.

The other list consists of things we need to do to prepare for the cold. Has the car been fully maintenance? Are the windows sealed to keep cold air out? Do we have our flu shots? Have we taken care of any appointments before the end of the year? Things of that nature.

All of these things are vital to me. I definitely don't intend on running around in the cold Winter days. I want to go to work, do some weekly grocery shopping, Church and home. That's it. Nothing adventurous there, just the bare survival of freezing temperatures. Winter time is a time to burrow, reading and crocheting in our warm homes. If I had my way, I would partake in this Winter weather all from the comforts of my home. It's always beautiful when one looks through the window at all the falling snow. Try driving through it and see how much fun it truly can be. I still have the memory of last year's digging my car out vivid in my mind. What about those -20 below days we had? Nice, eh?

No, thank you. I will do my prep now and be thankful later. The only thing I plan on running to the store for is milk and that is even questionable.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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