Monday, March 11, 2019

The Woman At The Well

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

O Thou, to whose all-searching sight
The darkness shineth as the light!
Search, prove my heart; it pants for Thee;
Oh, burst these bonds, and set it free!

My morning has been spent on the phone with the  pension center and my financial advisor. Why are things so difficult nowadays? Why can't things be done on the first try? Everything seems to be complicated whether by policy or by people's inabilities to do their job correctly. 

You can tell that I have become a complainer of sorts. In fact, Joey laughs that all I do is complain about something. He is right. I do complain, but it seems to me that the world has gone to the dogs. Chaos, hatred, anger and many other emotions run this world. If there ever has been an outcry for Jesus to come, it is now. People are searching, but they are not finding the right path.

As I sat here at my desk, drinking my morning coffee, I realized something very important. I used to be those people. I used to be the woman at the well. I lived that lifestyle, so how can I judge them? How can I not feel for them? Instead, I shake my head in dismay and write a blog about them. Look at my neighbor from yesterday's blog. Shouldn't I have got down on my knees and prayed for her? So why didn't I?

It's humble moments such as these where we remember where we came from. Not good memories at all. The woman at the well was a broken and miserable woman. She felt shame from all her bad choices in life. I feel that shame at times and it can limit my growth if I allow it to linger longer than necessary. Shame is very painful, because we look at our reflection in the mirror and see nothing, but shards of broken glass. The jagged edges can make one bleed if handled carelessly.

I made many, many bad decisions in my life that have led me onto the wrong path. I wasn't a great mom or even a great woman. It was cancer that alerted me to my destructive ways. My life has been forever changed . . . for the better. . .. since that faithful day on May 25, 2007. So how can I be anything, but grateful for the last twelve years?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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