Sunday, March 24, 2019

The 100 Day Project:: Day 19 Of Writing

                                                               Everyday is a brand mew day, everyday is a journey.

The thing that goes the farthest
toward making life worthwhile
that casts the least
and does the most
is just a pleasant smile
that smile that bubbles from a heart
that loves it's fellow men
will drive away the cloud of gloom
and coax the sun again

So now that I know where I've gone wrong in regards to my eating habits, what am I going to do about it? To be really honest here, I have tried several times already to implement a change since the journal findings all with no success. I have fallen off multiple times, reverting to the same habits over and over again. I'm trying once again. Here are the implementations.

1. Begin eating a healthier and fuller breakfast. Lunch, too. Try to make an effort to actually make a decent meal here to start the day.

2. Include more protein into our meals like fish and nuts. I feel as if we are lacking protein since we eat a vegetarian lifestyle.

3. Avoid sugary sweets, junk food snacks and fast food. Only eat sweets as a dessert after supper. 

4. Drink more water at home. Definitely more water. 

5. Do some form of physical activity on a daily basis like walking, stretching or calisthenics. This part will be hard, because I  don't like exercising.

6. Implement portion sizes. Another hard one. Save and use leftovers for work lunches the next day. 

Here is my list. Let's see how I do this time around. Hopefully, I won't fall off again and will be able to overcome this huge problem in regards to my healthy eating/ healthy living challenge. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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