Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My Writer's Block

                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I know not what the future hath
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies.

I've always found writing to be very therapeutic for me. It relaxes my mind as I release all the thoughts taking up residence in my head. The tension leaves and the stress lessens with each new post. I love to write. Period.

These past several months have been difficult as I faced something very rare to me. I couldn't write no matter what I tried, I would stare at the blank screen in front of me. Writer's block became very real and I thought that perhaps it was time for me to hang up the keyboard. 

I've tried to be all that I can be. My trying to be everything for everyone else is truly a losing battle. It is impossible. Ministry leaders everywhere face burnout every single day. I love everything that I am doing and wouldn't give up any of it. I love it. I wish I could make a career out of it by working full-time on all my extracurricular activities. I love what I do, but I have found that it doesn't always love me back. 

As Christians, we are taught on Sunday and in Bible studies, that we will be persecuted for our Faith. In our times, we rarely see persecution of the kind where people have lost their lives for their faith. It does happen in many Countries where there is no freedom. Yet, many of us here will not have to make a choice of life or death like the ones in Third World countries. 

Still, we may not be persecuted, but we are definitely attacked spiritually on a daily basis. We are fighting a daily battle with the World. The World tests us through temptation, anger, jealousy, hatred and tribulations of one kind or another. All coming towards us from other people. People will always hurt us or try to diminish our self worth in one way or another. Being in Ministry of any kind is extremely difficult, because there will always be someone who is unhappy with you. With each new attack, I wonder if I am qualified to be a leader. I look into the mirror wondering if the fault lies there. 

 You see, I believe that's what is wrong with my writer's block. Sometimes, we need to get back to our roots where it all began. My beginning was right here with this blog. This is where the healing came and I need it now more than ever. People and the World will always hurt us, how we endure that is what I need to work on. I wish I could say that these things just bounce off me, but that would be a lie. I need to recover before I burn out. 

If history has any meaning, the history of my posts will reflect how I am emotionally dealing with life. So you can imagine the next few months can be deep. I certainly hope so. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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