Monday, March 25, 2019

God's Hidden Purpose

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Go, bury thy sorrow,
The world hath its share;
Go, bury it deeply,
Go, hide it with care.
Go, bury thy sorrow,
Let others be blest;
Go, give them the sunshine,
And tell God the rest.

I often think about these past twelve years. God has been so abundantly gracious and merciful to me. Was it always His purpose for me to find mine? Oh, I believe He knew who I was on the inside all along. Or whom I could become. We are never done growing. 

This blog, this Ministry. None of this would have been possible without Him. Without His hand in my life. He gifted me with the talent of crocheting and writing to pursue His will for me. How did He know I would love every minute of it. 

If I could start my life over, this is what I would be doing right from the beginning. In a way, my life really did begin anew on the day I was diagnosed with cancer. Yes, it certainly did. He knew what was lying inside of me. He placed it there. He awakened that person and brought me back to life. 

I am what He says I am. I love that song by Hillsong. I am what He says I am. Do you know who you are? Have you met that person He has placed in your soul? Have you met? Have you discovered who you are in Him? 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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