Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Women's Breakfast

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

No action, whether foul or fair,
Is ever done, but it carves somewhere
A record, written by fingers ghostly,
As a blessing or a curse, and mostly
In the greater weakness or greater strength
Of the acts which follow it.
--Henry W. Longfellow.

It's been over a year since we have moved here. Our Church is considered very, very large part of a mega Church campus in various locations. I have been complaining over the years about not being able to enjoy the full benefits of a Church since many of the activities occur while I'm at work. 

Well, I have found a Church that offers many of such activities on a Saturday or in the weekday mornings. Since I have done so much complaining in the past, I feel like I should go to as many I can during my time frame. 

So I go to the Women's Breakfast every month, sometimes alone and sometimes with my mom or my girlfriend. I've begun connecting with some of these women. I know them on sight and they know me. 

Unfortunately, there is one problem. The breakfast falls on the same Saturday of the month that I meet with my Crocheting ladies. I have tried several times to incorporate the two together by inviting the ladies to the Breakfast. I honestly thought it would be a very interesting gathering for all of us. None of them showed for various reasons even though they showed initial interest. 

In the end, I opted to compromise and alternate between the two by meeting with the ladies every two months. This way, one month I'm able to go to my Women's Breakfast and the other month, with the ladies from my Ministry. I thought it would be a good decision so no one misses out on anything. Of course, they are always welcome to come to the Breakfast. April will be the month for the Ministry, so I won't be available for the breakfast.

Sometimes, we have to make things work by trying to show compromise and please everyone involved. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

Letters Of Encouragement Pt. 3

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                      everyday is a journey.

Take Thy hand, and fears grow still;
    Behold Thy face, and doubts remove;
  Who would not yield his wavering will
    To perfect Truth and boundless Love?

It's amazing how when adversity comes or a struggle of any kind, we feel all alone, don't we? We feel like there couldn't be a person out there who understands our struggle. These letters prove that there are people who have lived through our struggles and care enough to share them with us. I hope you enjoy!

Prayers For Your Mom!
I can't imagine how tough cancer has been on you and your mom. I was one of the extremely lucky ones, I found out I had cervical cancer just in time for surgery to get it all and didn't have to go through chemo and radiation and all that jazz. My surgeries were 10 years ago and thank God I have been cancer free since. But it has made me appreciate life more and to make sure I make an effort to do something for other cancer victims. I walked the past two years and will again this year in the Susan G. Komen Race for the cure and do what I can to promote breast cancer awareness. The number of people that I walk in honor of grows every year. This past year I found out my aunt had breast cancer and that two of my friends mothers had breast cancer.

Let your mom know she is beautiful regardless of what she thinks or what she sees in the mirror. God doesn't make ugly and it truly is what is on the inside that counts. 

And . . . . .

Message To Joey
I just wanted you to know that the timing of your story about your mother just now touched me. My mother been diagnosed with cancer, stage 3 and went through a mastectomy and beat the cancer. She was cancer free for just over a year. She had again been diagnosed with cancer when she was going to church with me and my husband. She rededicated her life to Christ in May of last year. She went home to the Lord on July 19, 2007. 
Your sister in Christ

I hope you enjoyed reading these encouragements. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Books Galore

                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                       everyday is a journey.

And oft, when in my heart was heard

  Thy timely mandate, I deferred

  The task, in smoother walks to stray;

  But thee I now would serve more strictly, if I may.


1. A Case For Christ
By: Lee Strobel
Now, I looked forward to reading this one, because the author was an atheist. His point of the book was to disprove the existence of Christ. Instead, he accepted Christ as his Savior. This book reads like a textbook, almost like a debate. I was looking for a more personal experience, I wanted to read about his inner struggle and he instead wrote about scholarly facts proving Christ existence. If you are looking for the personal side, rent the movie which shows that struggle. If you want to read about the facts in proving Christ, read the book.

2. Why Her
By: Nicki Koziarz
This is my second book by Nicki and I was extremely looking forward to it. For some reason, she reminds me of my daughter-in-law Aubs. Maybe, that's why I love her person so much. This books deals with our need of comparing ourselves to others, questioning why them and not me. Why do other people get what I want, but don't have. Very interesting and true to our characters.

3. The Self Sufficient Life And How To Live It
By: John Seymour
This book is the complete guide to basic living. If you are interested in a self sufficient lifestyle, back to nature or off grid living, this is the book for you. This book is huge! I mean, at least a 9x12 or larger, a hardcover. It has everything in it from layouts of gardens, farms to how to milk a cow. A lot of families out there are moving back to rural countries and building a home on raw land. Awesome book with tons of information. 

4. One Man's Wilderness
By: John Branson
These are the journals of Richard L. Proenneke. I have been waiting on this one for a very long time. This is another large book like War and Peace. It deals with a man who decided to go live in the Alaska wilderness all by himself going back to nature. I wanted to read this not only because I love anything to do with self sufficiency, but I wanted to know what it was like to be completely alone. I always claim how I'm looking forward to living alone one day, but truth is, can I? Another awesome read.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Letters Of Encouragement Pt.2

                                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                          everyday is a journey.
Just where you stand in the conflict,
There is your place!
Just where you think you are useless,
Hide not your face!
God placed you there for a purpose,
What e'er it be;
Think you he has chosen you for it:
Work loyally.

I'm so glad to have found these letters once again. I've forgotten about them and the message they represent. Everyone has a story to tell and we need to make time to listen. These came to Joey and myself to encourage us as a family when I was first diagnosed with cancer. We are so grateful for the people who have taken the time to ease the struggle by penning a few words of encouragement. I hope they offer comfort to you or anyone else in your life.

Dealing With Cancer
Joey, my prayers are with you and your mom and your entire family. My older sister is a breast cancer survivor of 12 years now. She discovered a lump and within a week had a mastectomy. It was a rare fast growing type. She lost her hair,eyebrows and eyelashes which bothered her the most. She worked in a bank, of all places. She tried wearing a wig at Christmas that year and it itched and was so hot because of the chemo she removed it. 

She was very self conscious at first at our family gathering, but her grandsons thought it was cool. So, if they could deal with it, who were we to do less? We were happy she could be part of our family get together. After awhile, it just was not a big thing.I know it will be a big shock when you first see your mom without hair, but just look at her head, then look at her eyes and tell her how much you love her, that is what she needs to hear. You cannot ignore it, that will make it worse so acknowledge it and let it go. If she jokes about it, go with her. If she prefers not to mention it, so be it. Let her set the tone from there. 

May God bless you both and bring healing she needs. May he give you the guidance to say and do the best things for her. 


Hair Loss
Hey Joey, Sorry to hear about your mom's hair. I know a few people who have traveled that road. Mu husband's radiation caused his to come out in chunks, so he  just shaved the rest. The mustache, too. A lady at my church has a collection of decorative scarves that she coordinates with her clothing. She has a wig, too that she wears on Sunday.

Remember the song Skin? About a teenage girl who loses her hair right before the prom? Her boyfriend picks her up and he had shaved his head. How's that for a show of compassion?

Please tell your mother we are praying for her. She must be a very. very dear person to have raised a neat kid like you. Over the years, Locks of Love has received many inches of hair from me and my daughter. it would make my heart sing to learn that someone is putting our contribution to good use.

I hope you have enjoyed these letters of encouragement as much as I did. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Encouraging Letters

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                             everyday is a journey.

Let us not always say,"Spite of this flesh to-dayI strove, made head, gained ground upon the whole!"As the bird wings and sings,Let us cry, "All good thingsAre ours, nor soul helps flesh more now than flesh helps soul!"

Back in the day when I was first diagnosed with cancer, Joey was still single and working in radio. He would share with his listeners my cancer progress. Well, they responded very warmly towards someone they didn't even know. The following year, for Mother's Day, Joey surprised me with a folder. Inside that folder, he printed every e-mail, message or letter that has ever been sent to the station on my behalf. He wanted me to feel the love. I have kept them all these years and I thought I would share them with all of you. You never know, someone out there may need a boost, an encouragement. 

Your Mom,

I was listening to your program on my way home from work last night and heard you talking about your mom and her battle with cancer. I don't remember exactly what she said about herself without hair. I have to share a little of my story. 

I was sitting in the bathtub after my mastectomy 8 years ago, crying, saying I felt like Frankenstein with all my new scars, drainage tubes etc. My husband came in and took my face in his hands and said,"But you're alive." I'll never forget those words many times over the next  8 years. I now look at those scars and think of them as my battle scars, cause I have won the battle. 

I know its always encouraged me to hear from long time survivors so thought maybe you could tell her to hang in there from one cancer survivor to another. Keep up the great work! Your station is a constant source of encouragement to me. 
In His name, 

Heard on the air going to work Monday night that you had a great weekend with your mom. That is wonderful. I am so glad for you. What a blessing every moment can be. Isn't it great to just be able to be silly and do regular stuff sometimes and forget the "elephant in the room"? I will continue to pray for you both for healing and endurance. We never know which direction God will send our lives in and what he has in store for us. Just when we prepare ourselves for one thing, boom, he up and throws a curve at us. So, keep on keeping  on. Laugh and  help your mom enjoy your moments together whenever you can get away to be with her. I know she treasures them. 

Let me know, or keep us all listeners informed on your mother's progress, it it isn't too personal. We care, I care. 

Aren't these letters wonderful? Such an encouragement! Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Leeks For Dinner

                                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

Without an end or bound
    Thy life lies all outspread in light;
      Our lives feel Thy life all around,
    Making our weakness strong, our darkness bright;
  Yet is it neither wilderness nor sea,
  But the calm gladness of a full eternity.

Now leeks have always been a vegetable that I had in soup. In fact, I never knew that it was a vegetable, but more of a garnish to cook with like parsley or chives. It wasn't until I watched on PBS " A Chef's Life" and saw a recipe for the leek over rice. 

Being vegetarians, we are always looking for new veggies to explore and widen our palette, so I decided to give it a try. Of course, we modified the recipe to fit our food lifestyle and choices. This has become one of our favorites and we make it often. 

Basically all you do is saute some chopped onions and leeks. Add salt and pepper. Serve over white rice. You can add a poached egg on top. That's our version and we love it. 

Our day, our weekend, has been pretty quiet and relaxing. Recently, our Church has been in the news and not in a pleasant way, either. When a Church leader is exposed or there have been allegations of misconduct, that act casts a dark gloom over the Church and it's family. So we sat at Supper today, disappointment in our hearts for what was happening. 

It is not up to us to judge anyone's actions, but we can have our own opinions on the matter. I am deeply saddened and right now, we have no idea where we are going from this point on. Or what the future may look in regards to this matter. 

Mealtimes and especially Sundays, should be spent in happy thoughts and conversations with your loved ones. For us, as we are having one of our favorite meals, has been a little downcast. Whatever happened there, I hope an act of confession and forgiveness occurs. We don't have to witness it, but people's lives have been broken and they need mending. 

I hope your Sunday meal has will be pleasant and filled with great company. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Quiet Day

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                    everyday is a journey.

When ranting round in pleasure's ring
Religion may be blinded:
Or if she gie a random sting,
It may be little minded:
But when on life we're Tempest-driv'n--
A conscience but a canker,
A correspondence fixed wi' Heav'n,
Is sure a noble anchor.
--Robert Burns

I slept in this morning, not wanting to get up. I turned over on my side quite often, snoozing a little bit longer. There was no sun streaming through my window. Instead, the skies looked overcast, donning a gloomy appearance to the day.

As I lay there, enjoying the stillness of the morning, I thought about the day and what it would entail. It really was a blank page where I could write whatever I wanted on it. When was the last time I had a day like that? I couldn't even remember.

To me, that's how I picture retirement. I can see myself planning out my days without the stress that I endure now. In my own mind, I picture myself living a stress free lifestyle and devoting myself completely to all my ministries. Yet, I acknowledge that this might not be a reality, but more of a fantasy of my own making. 

When I finally emerged from beneath the covers it was almost 10 a.m. and believe me, that is pretty late for me. I had this deep desire to write and only write. It's been a long time since I felt such a need. Ever since my schedule filled up with the Crocheting Ministry and The Chronic Illness Group, my writing has gone to the wayside. I felt it lacked luster, depth and purpose. I needed to rectify this as soon as possible.

It's so easy to set aside things that once have meant so much to us all because of time limits. We are then forced to choose which are more important at that time. We have to make painful decisions, because we don't know how to manage our time better. I only have myself to blame for this, no one else. 

So today, it's all about my writing. A nice and quiet day spent lost in my own world. What could be lovelier?

Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Brand New Look

                                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

To be the thing we seem,
To do the thing we deem
Enjoined by duty;
To walk in faith, nor dream
Of questioning God's scheme
Of truth and beauty.

Getting ready for work this morning, I looked disgustedly at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My hair lay limply, badly in need of a haircut or at least some body. My shirt that I have worn thousands of times, beginning to look frail at the edges. Same ole look, same ole clothes. I have had this look for years, not really opting for something new or modern. Even my glasses have been the same color and design.

I think I need a brand new look. We can change our hairstyle, buy new clothes and put on a new color lipstick. We may not really look different, but we certainly will feel different on the inside. Sometimes, that's all we really need, we need to feel like we're different.

Sometimes, I think we're searching to get out of the mundane everyday little things and we see nothing, but dullness in our lives. For me, it seems that every time the Seasons change so does my routine or the layout in my room. I'll change my curtains, put on a new tablecloth and clean out the closets. I feel better.

No one really changes their appearance drastically. It's always something minor and yet, that one little thing changes everything on the inside. Something to boost our confidence, to provide us with a fresh outlook on our ordinary. It is that need we have on the inside to constantly keep wanting more and more. It came from the time of Moses and the Israelites where they were never satisfied with what they had. 

We will be happy and satisfied for a short time and then the Season changes once again. We look in the mirror and grimace in disgust, Same hair, same look. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Simply Essential Oils

A few years back, Emily brought a list to me one day of all these natural oils. She has always had very sensitive skin and has been quite allergic to anything with alcohol or preservatives in them. She wanted us to give them a try. Well, a few years went by before we did any of it. Once we did, we fell in love.

They really do relax you. I love infusing them, but you can also use them as ointments, place a few drops in your drinks like tea, or directly onto your skin. It all depends on the essential oil and it's purpose. 

These are just some of the different flavors and their uses. They are not as expensive as people think. One only uses a few drops in the infuser so the bottles last quite long. 

There are also different designs of diffusers depending on what your need or style happens to be. One doesn't even need an diffuser. Place a pot of water on a low simmer and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. 

Remember, some oils can be added to drinks or recipes and even as salves to use directly on skin. It all depends on the oil, of course, so please check thoroughly before doing so. We always want to do our research when it comes to our health.

HAVE A blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Church Nomad Pt.3

                                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                              everyday is a journey.

The light that fills thy house at morn
Thou canst not for thyself retain;
But all who with thee here are born
It bids to share an equal gain.
The wave, the blue encircling wave,
No chain can bind, no fetter hold;
Its thunders tell of Him who gave
What none can ever buy for gold.
--Jones Very.

How many of you are happy with the church you are at? Let me put it in an another way. How many churches have you belonged to? 

I'm a person who sticks with something or someone for a  very long time. Take my car insurance, I've been with the same company ever since I started driving. It's the way I was built. I like loyalty.

I know I never set out to be a Church nomad. In fact, I stayed in the Church where I became a believer for over six years. I spent those years volunteering excessively. Yes, excessively. One can volunteer too much. There has to be a balance and when volunteering interferes with your Church time, it's time to step down and get a break. We all need to be fed spiritually and I was hungry!

Then we moved here. This is our third Church and I know there will be even more, because I know this isn't our forever home. We're here spending the next few years before my retirement. Retirement will not be around here, maybe even in another state for me. That means I will have to find another Church. 

Not exactly how I thought it would be. I envisioned a scene like in a Rockwell painting or perhaps like in Mayberry, a small town. A place where everyone knows everyone else and they visit the same Church and the same grocery store. Does a place like that really exist? I believe so and that's where I want to be. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Another Book

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Some murmur if their sky is clear,
And wholly bright to view,
If one small speck of dark appear
In their great heaven of blue:
And some with thankful love are filled,
If but one streak of light,
One ray of God's good mercy, gild
The darkness of their night.

Nowadays, I find myself reading a book while waiting on an appointment or during lunch at work. In this busy lifestyle that we all lead, it's becoming more difficult to justify a day spent on the couch reading. We always feel like we need to be productive and anytime spent being still has become a dream we can only think about. I actually have a visualization of my retirement years spent in a lounge chair reading a book in the sunshine with a cup of coffee. The problem is that I have given up coffee. :)

1. The Quest
By: Beth Moore
I originally heard Beth teach on this subject at the Joyce Meyer's Conference in St. Louis. This book is the continuation of that teaching. It deals with our personal relationship with Jesus so we can determine what our quest with Him is all about. You can go onto her website and get an audio addition to her books for a small fee. This is quite common nowadays among Christian authors, although not all of them charge a fee for it. YouTube has quite a few of these free of charge. 

2. I Am Loved
By: Wendy Blight
This is the second book I have read by this author. This book is about the love God has for us and how we need to stop looking at the world by fixing our eyes on Jesus' scriptures. All the answers we need are there for us if we just seek them. This is just a sweet reminder of how easily we could turn away from our faith. I am loved by the almighty and I need to remember that by making a decision everyday whether I want to follow Him in obedience or not. 

3. Never Let Go
By: Sherryl Woods
It's been awhile since I've read a fictional book, let alone a love story of sorts. Yet, this book is so much more than that. It can be a hard read since it involves child abuse, a doctor and a psychologist. It will tug at your heart strings, especially if you are like me and abhor anything that involves cruelty to children. It's fictional, yet very much a reality out there. Really loved this book and it's characters.

I hope you will give some of these a try. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

More Health Tips

                                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

What heart can comprehend Thy name,
Or, searching, find Thee out?
Who art within, a quickening flame,
A presence round about.
Yet though I know Thee but in part,
I ask not, Lord, for more:
Enough for me to know Thou art,
To love Thee and adore.

I wonder if any of you know that I used to be a smoker. It was a while ago, more like 12 or 13 years. I quit like two years before I found out I had ovarian cancer. Why did I quit? Well, I wasn't enjoying it anymore and I felt like it was time. It was a huge struggle to do so and I craved a cigarette for a very long time after that. 

I believe that many people want to quit smoking, but can't. They struggle and their addiction is much bigger than their desire to quit. I know, I've been there. According to the Lung Cancer Alliance, there are many health benefits for quitting smoking.
1. Decrease your risk of lung cancer.
2. Improve general respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
3. Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.
4. Decrease your risk of developing other lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema.
5. Decrease your risk of developing other types of cancer, including that of the head and neck, kidney and bladder.
6. Decrease your risk of erectile dysfunction.
7. Improve the health of your teeth and gums.
8. Improve your overall health, including your energy level, mood, immune system and more.


1. Discharge summary. This includes why you were in the hospital, who cared for you, your procedures and medicines.
2. Medicine list. This includes all your new and former prescriptions, over the counter prescriptions, vitamins and supplements.
3. Prescriptions. Check that your pharmacy has your new prescriptions.
4. Follow up care instructions. This can include foods or activities to avoid, follow up tests or appointments, how to care for incisions or use equipment, warning signs to watch for and who to call with questions.
5. After hospital services. Know how much support you'll need in these areas: Personal care, Home care, Healthcare.

I certainly hope this helps someone or provides an easier transition. Have a blessed day everyone. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Pleasant Surprise

                                                                     Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                      everyday is a journey.

A patient, a victorious mind,
That life and all things casts behind,
Springs forth obedient to Thy call;
A heart that no desire can move,
But still to adore, believe, and love,
Give me, my Lord, my Life, my All.

Opening my daily messages, I was pleasantly surprised to see one from a new friend I've recently met. I was indeed happy since our knowledge of each other was so brand new to discover that she thought of me. She included me (tagged) along with many of the matriarchs of my current Church. Since I was fairly new, I didn't think anyone knew of me there yet.

That Church ended up being one of my favorites. It was a small one, but the warmth and love I felt there has stayed with me to this day. Even now, I still keep in contact with the Pastor and his wife.

What is it that makes one feel welcomed and loved in their Church? A feeling of acceptance and community. We often hear of that word all the time---community, but what does that really mean? Do we even experience it? I believe it is very rare to feel that as a newcomer into a Church. If people remember my name and try to include me in activities including the Church, I feel that community. 

That is my hope, you know. One day, I will retire in a community where I will spend a good majority of my reclining years. It's there that I hope to find a Church community like the one I've experienced during this time. Won't that be a pleasant surprise?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Retreat

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,.
                                                                everyday is a journey.

Not so in haste, my heart!
Have faith in God and wait;
Although he linger long,
He never comes too late.
Until he cometh, rest,
Nor grudge the hours that roll;
The feet that wait for God
Are soonest at the goal;
Are soonest at the goal
That is not gained by speed;
Then hold thee still, my heart,
For I shall wait his lead.
--Bayard Taylor.

It started pretty early in the morning (8 a.m.). Every hour, every minute was scheduled accordingly, but I like it that way. I need structure, I thrive on structure. 

Retreat Schedule
8:00 – Doors Open/Check-In
8:15 – Breakfast
8:45 – Doors Open to the Auditorium
9:00 – Session 1
10:00 – Snack/Small Group 1
11:00 – Session 2
12:00 – Lunch
1:00 – Breakout Session
2:15 – Snack
2:30 – Small Group 2 
3:30 – Session 3
4:30 – Retreat Close

The breakfast, the snacks and the lunch were simply delicious and considerate of everyone's dietary needs. The same goes for the organizational skills in the operation of this retreat. Things went smoothly. 

My small group leader and participants were wonderful. We all connected and there wasn't a moment where I felt inferior to the group or not respected. I belonged! In fact, I look forward into running into these ladies once again in the future. 

So who was our speaker and what was the topic? We had Vivian Mabuni, Author of "Warrior In Pink: A Story of Cancer, Community, and the God Who Comforts" released in April of 2014. She is also a writer for SheReadsTruth and speaker for IF:Gathering. The Topic was Finding Joy in Adversity. 

Highlights from the Retreat:
A. God takes no pleasure in our pain. 
B. God's power/strength/qualities are braided together into a rope that can pull us up when we are down.
C. Do you know who you are in God, do you know God and do you know God's plan for you?
D. There is no right way to go through adversity.
E. God continually prunes us so we can reap even better and more fruit.
F. We went through fire and water yet you brought us out into a place of abundance.
G. We need to allow people in so we can gift others with the gift of presence.
H. There are lessons learned that can only happen through excessive pruning.
I. The same woman who started the race is not the same woman who finished that race.

I have to be honest here that I thoroughly enjoyed this retreat. Although, I was absolutely drained mentally and physically. I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap. 

Have a blessed day everyone.