Thursday, December 31, 2015

Throwback Thursday

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The memory below has brought a smile to my face. I have many of them that were shared with these kids of mine. Somewhere along the way we made traditions. I will tell you a secret: I always hated kool-aid. That awful stuff would spill over onto the carpets and stain them . Never understood why the kids loved that stuff.

In the last couple of years, Emily and I have spent a quiet normal day on New Year's Eve. There are no frills, no bells or whistles and we are content with all of that. I have friends who are partying gala style at a banquet hall and others with a hot tub party in their backyard. It doesn't matter how we celebrate as long as we celebrate with the people we care and love. Happy New Year everyone!
ng In
When the children were small, they always wanted me to wake them up on New Year's Eve at the stroke of midnight to ring in the new year. I would prepare a pitcher of kool-aid and pour it into wine glasses so we could make a toast together. When midnight came, no matter how much I tried to wake them, they'd turn over and go back to sleep. That was my New Year's Eve for a long time.

Nowadays, my New Year's Eve isn't much different except there is no kool-aid, but real wine. We've never really gone out to celebrate in style all dressed to the nines like a lot of my friends. Somehow, I've never felt I've missed out by staying at home.

This year, I know people that will be baptized at the stroke of midnight as well as people celebrating at their church with a chili cookout. Some of my friends are having a huge party at home or you could be like Emily and myself with a quiet night.

Either way, we both would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! See you in 2013! Have a Blessed Year everyone!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Saying Goodbye To Sorrow

                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

I have been feeling sorry for myself these past two years. I really need to stop this whining. I need to step aside for a minute because obviously there is something inside of me that is festering. I just need to find out what that is.

I am a person who thrives on the busyness of life. For my body to do the opposite is shocking to me. My writing has suffered during this time and we all know I'm incomplete without a daily dosage from my pen. 

So I'm done with all of it. Done with the whining of why things have turned out the way they did. 

So I'm done with the wishing for things to go my way.

So I'm done feeling frustrated at myself for not accomplishing my daily routine, because of my bodies weariness.

So I'm done living in the past at work. 

So I'm done feeling inadequate because, I will never be the weight I was ten years ago. 

So I'm done looking for acceptance from people who don't deserve my friendship in the first place.

A New Year is here. It's time to take back our lives and regain our self appreciation, self respect and self forgiveness. Let's begin anew, the best is yet to be!

Have a blessed day everyone.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Things I Love Now

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I can honestly say that I like my life. In fact, if I'm really, really honest every stage I was in, I liked. Each stage appears to be better than the last, even the painful ones taught me something.

I love . . . . 
I love being a parent of adult children. I love the freedom that adult children provide. I have more time for myself and for the things I love to do. I cannot express in total words the feelings when your children take you out to dinner and pay. You know they're grown and independent when suddenly they take the lead. There is a downside, I cannot solve any of their problems any longer. For that reason, I do feel more helpless as I watch them struggle through the fire. 

I love . . . . .
I love the wee hours of the morning, when the world seems to be asleep. I love watching the world come alive slowly with the rising sun. It is so peaceful and serene, almost angelic when the world lies still. Simple pleasures such as these give me so much Joy. The tranquility becomes my muse, as the floodgates of the writer within come pouring out. 

I love . . . . . 
I love  anything old English whether it is the Edwardian novels or Sherlock Holmes Mystery Hour. I love their little cottages and their village lifestyle. Not to mention teatime and crumpets. They have a certain air of manners and old world charm  that is lacking nowadays. It makes no difference to me if it is all make believe or not, one can only dream. Oh, to ride on the Orient Express and have my very own "car."

I love . . . 
I love to crochet. I knew how to crochet ever since I was a small girl and yet, I have never made anything for my children as they were growing up. Nor did I have any interest in it at all. For some reason, I picked it up again eight years ago and fell in love for the first time. Why? When? How? Who knows? To me, it seems more of a God moment than anything else. 

These are just some of the things I really enjoy doing or seeing. What about you? What are the joys in your life? Is it your children? Your husband? Your job? We all have something that we look forward to during the work week. I hope that all of you find that joy. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Oh, Those City Lights

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I have no idea when it happened. It sort of grew on me without my knowing, taking over my heart, but suddenly the country life held so much appeal. Every time I have to leave, a piece of my heart cries out no!

I'm tired of living in the city. The traffic, the noise and the constant anger issues that people in the city seem to yell out when driving. Never has a small little village or suburb looked more appealing than now.

I'm just plain tired. It seems the older I become, the less noise I like in my life. Noise comes in many different sizes and from different directions. I'm looking for peace and harmony, not more of noise.

I'm so tired of watching and hearing people being disrespectful to one another. It happens on the road. It happens in the stores. It happens in waiting lines. Why are we so mean to one another? The STOP signs in front of our apartment haven't helped much in us thinking differently. One day, there will be a huge blowout right outside our window, because of those STOP signs. 

The city life is more hectic, dramatic and fast paced. No one has the time to look at the sunrise or sunset, or to appreciate a walk in the neighborhood. Checking out the scenery is pretty low on the list. At one time, you couldn't get me to live anywhere else, but things change. I've changed. 

Maybe what I'm really looking for is a change. A change in lifestyle, work and home. It might be time to move on. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, December 25, 2015

O Night Divine

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O holy night the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Fall on your knees
O hear the angels' voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine o night
O night divine
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new glorious morn
Fall on your knees
O hear the angels' voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine o night
O night divine
Ooh yes it was
Ooh it is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah
It was a holy holy holy, oh oh oh
Today  we celebrate Our Savior's birth, a special day where we share with our friends and family a meal, our time and especially our love. I sincerely hope that every single one of you will find a moment today to praise Him for all He has done for the likes of us. 
One Sunday, during this advent season, I heard the song above. It certainly wasn't the first time, but somehow it affected me greatly. You see, after all the presents have been opened and a delicious meal consumed, everything I am is because of who He is. I am nothing without Him in my life. 
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Cozy Sanctuary

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O happy house I and happy servitude!
Where all alike one Master own;
Where daily duty, in Thy strength pursued,
Is never hard or toilsome known;
Where each one serves Thee, meek and lowly,
Whatever Thine appointment be,
Till common tasks seem great and holy,
When they are done as unto Thee.

Driving to work the other day, images of Tiny Homes, Rv's etc. flashed in my mind. In the midst of it all, a sudden thought occurred to me.

It doesn't matter where you live as long as it becomes a cozy, peaceful sanctuary where one can relax.

I think that explains it all. I may have been researching and dreaming about Tiny Living, but that doesn't mean I will end up doing the same. All I want is to be able to live peacefully, comfortably in an environment where materialism doesn't exist or matter. I want to live simply where I'm not a slave to bills. That could be in a studio apartment, an Rv or a Tiny House.

We never know where we will end up in life. We can make all the plans we want, but when God says go, we go. For that reason, I never want to be so engrossed with one idea in mind. No matter where I end up, all I ask is that God will provide a sanctuary for me to rest in here on Earth.

I  often marvel at the Disciples roaming from place to place without residing in one home. I guess it's true when they say a home is where the heart is.  

Sometimes, we end up somewhere totally different than where we thought we would be. Take my son, Joey. All through his tween years and high school, all he ever talked about was living on the Chicago lakefront. Oh, how he loved downtown Chicago, visiting as often as he could. We have spent many wonderful days out on Navy Pier listening to his oldies concerts. 

He has lived in many places ( Missouri, Indiana, Springfield) and none of them were downtown. We always end up where we least expect to be. He loves living in Springfield, so I guess that God really did know better. 

I always thought I would be living somewhere else, preferably the countryside. I never thought of this apartment as my forever home. What does that mean anyway? My forever home? As Christians we are very well aware of where our forever home truly is, so why are we looking for it here on Earth? Maybe that's why I feel the restlessness of looking for my cozy sanctuary. 

What makes a home cozy? According to Joey, we all have our love language. For some it may have to do with the company of others. My mom, for instance, wants our presence near her. That's her love language. I often wonder what mine may be. I'm not a people person, so I know it's not company. Could it be accomplishment? I have to ask him, because others see us before we see ourselves.

I consider a home  a cozy sanctuary as long as I'm surrounded by all of my favorite things such as my books and my yarn. Give me a comfortable spot to sit in and a pretty view to look out of and I'm content. My home is empty of anger, deceit or contempt. In my sanctuary, God is a frequent guest, often leading the way. What more could I possibly ask for?

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Favorite Christmas Memories?

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Favorite Christmas memories? Today I planned on reminiscing on some of my favorite family Christmas memories, but the way I feel right now, I can't even think of one.

I woke up much later than I planned. I've been putting in some late nights this week in lieu of the Holiday activities/errands/vacation. Hence, the late start. I dislike a start such as this one since it affects my attitude for the day. I feel rushed and unprepared for the remainder of the waking hours.

Nothing really went right all day long. I couldn't write since my mind kept drifting off thinking of my  family members who once again, were all over social media. The rain poured on and off with the wind howling and lightening roaring. The sky was overcast and the apartment seemed dark. That STOP sign in front of our building brought on many disgruntled drivers. One could hear horns blaring and obscenities filled the air.

I don't think anyone out there was having a better day than I.

Even the weather is annoying the heck out of me. I'm on vacation and waiting for that snow to happen. Let's get it out of the way while I'm  safely inside my little haven. I bet it will snow my first day back!

Here we are the day before Christmas Eve and already we are at each other's throats. We cannot get along. So I'm sorry, but I cannot think of any good stories, more like the sad ones. It is truly sad since we have spent many Christmas's together laughing, sharing and loving one another. Why can't family get along? It's always that same person who wants to upset the apple cart.

It's all good, though. I know that whatever I'm feeling right at this moment will pass before morning comes. I know we will spend Christmas making memories as if today never happened. I know that a Brady Bunch Family does not exist. All families look good in a picture.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Soup Lady

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I love soup! I think I could live on just soup, bread and potatoes. In my dream world (lol). Since Emily is such a great cook, people often tease me wondering what will I be eating after she leaves me.Well, I can be honest that anything quick and easy and microwavable will be my favorite thing, basically soup.

Soup is more than just a stable to me. It represents my childhood with my mother  where soup was a regular attender at our dinner table. She makes the best cream soups I've ever tasted . . . . hearty, full of flavor and piping hot!

It was soup that brought me back to life eight years ago when my weight dropped around to a hundred pounds. The chemotherapy plus all the medication I was on affected my taste buds. Nothing tasted good to me. My mother would make a fresh pot of soup for me every single day to lure my appetite back to normalcy. I would sip small shots of soup every few hours. It worked. Just look at my weight now. 

Soup holds so many beneficial elements such as one can make soup out of anything. Just look at French Onion. When someone is not feeling well, soup somehow hits the right spot. On a cold winter day, nothing warms the soul faster than a piping bowl of your favorite dish. 

Soup is comfort food that can be traced back to our grandmother's grandmother. Everyone has a great family recipe for chicken noodle or black bean or potato. Whichever one is your favorite, I bet there is a story behind it. A memory that warms your heart and brings a smile to your face. So what is your favorite soup?

Have a blessed day everyone.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Simply A Tiny Clutter

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I have to be honest with you. While watching the YouTube videos of various Tiny Homes, I have come to the conclusion that many of them have too much stuff. In other words, too much clutter.

I know that storage is a huge factor, but in a small space one has to be careful not to over embellish things such as pictures on walls, curtains and knickknacks. I, for one, have no desire for clutter looking rooms. Each is own, I know.

After watching so many videos of various models, I've decided that storage with doors looks so much better, fine lines and all. Plus, built ins instead of actual furniture pieces. The only pieces of furniture I would want in a Tiny Home would be chairs and even those would fold.

Here are some simple ways to enlarge a small space.
More: 8 Clever ways to fake extra square footage in a small home

So keeping all that in mind, I've decided to pare down as much as possible.There was a time when I thought this apartment of ours was too small, but not any longer!

My focus for the upcoming year will be even more on simplifying than ever before. I have way too many junk drawers over brimming with stuff that I haven't used for years. It's time to let it all go. I do have a plan in mind on how that can be achievable. I say achievable, because time has always been my worst enemy, right along with over scheduling. More on that to come, so stay tuned.

Another problem of mine, I hate to throw good things out. There is always in the back of my mind the thought that maybe someone could use this junk of mine. My junk could be their treasure. If it's in good shape, donating is the way to go.  Of course, I welcome all advice or suggestions. More to come on my simplifying 2016 feat on upcoming blogs!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

A Pastoring Family

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Every Sunday morning it's the same routine. Our bodies awaken naturally without the use of an alarm clock around 7 a.m. in the morning. Believe me, we want to turn over and sleep on, but we don't. We rise, get dressed and go to Church. For some of us, Sunday also means serving. 

Why? Because our hearts yearn for more that only Jesus can fill. We need to be fed, we need to be forgiven and we need to be recharged to begin anew on Monday. Of course, we would love to sleep in and lounge around in our pajamas all day doing nothing. Who wouldn't?

It's times like these that I think of my son and his growing family. Their Sunday begins even earlier (more like 5am) since my son is an Associate Pastor. There is a breakfast gathering, two services, children's church, sunday school and a bible study every single week. By the time the afternoon rolls around, they need a nap. Plus, they both have regular careers during the week. 

For a nonbeliever, it may sound exhausting and intolerable. Yet, our love for Christ takes away any feelings of bitterness, anger and restlessness in regards to our service. All we do for Him is done with such love and awe for who He is to us. 

During the week, I had an opportunity to share my faith with someone at work. I didn't approach this person, they came to me. I have to admit that I was scared, because this person has a history of making fun of people and twisting their words around. I didn't want him to do the same to me. I shared and I have no idea where the words came from, because they flowing as naturally as the rivers. 

He didn't make fun of me. He didn't twist my words. He respectively listened to what I had to say. I don't know why. I retold Emily what had happened at work. She said something very interesting. She said that the reason why he didn't was probably because he could see that I knew what I was talking about and couldn't discredit me. He could see what my faith meant to me by my words and my expression. 

I thought about that person today in Church. I also thought about my faith. No matter how tired or busy I may be, I need Church. I need HIM. I also wondered and prayed for all of you. Where is your heart right now? Is it tired and in need of a renewal? Is it empty and lonely looking for what only Jesus can fill and heal? I have been in both places and I can honestly say I cannot do life without Jesus by my side. I hope you feel the same.

Have a blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

4 Down, 2 More To Go

                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Four down and 2 more to go. I keep counting down my time as the backup every night as I walk out the door at work. During these past two years, I have come to totally dislike doing this position, almost dreading it. This time around there is something different. The situation hasn't changed. In fact, everything is just the same except me. My attitude has changed and I can almost feel the letting go of the dread and disappointment I've been feeling these past two years.

When my regular shift was eliminated two years ago and my position changed, I gladly accepted what was coming, actually looking forward to the future. My expectations were great, but I have to say, I have been disappointed. I had images of renewing some of these relationships with my co-workers that I once shared in the first years at work. It is true of the saying that we can never go back, it's just not the same. 

There is absolutely nothing that  I can do to change these people's attitudes toward me and I'm tired of trying. Some things we just cannot change, all I can do is stay true to who I am and what I believe in.

People change and so do relationships. Sometimes life interferes and changes them. Others change to go along with the crowd and belong. There are times where friendships are altered, because one friend has moved forward while the other has remained in one stage of their life. The point here is that life moves forward and that affects our relationships with people.

As I prepare for another day of work, I keep repeating my countdown in my head. I cannot allow others to steal my Joy. I am imperfect. I am human. Yet, I am still a child of The Most High. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Where Is The Joy?

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Here we are a week and half away from Christmas and yet, one wouldn't know that just by what is in our hearts. . . or at least in mine. 

What has happened to Christmas in my life? There doesn't seem to be any time to ponder what Christmas means  this time around. There barely is enough time to do all of our shopping and preparation for the big dinner. Everything seems to be more of a checklist than an enjoyment.
 The older I get, the more I yearn for the simple things in life, especially during this Holiday Season. How I would love to have an ordinary, basic Christmas where the focus was on family time (playing games), on Jesus Birth and the only gifts were the ones we made ourselves. Why can't we have a Christmas like that?

There is always someone in the family who wants to make the Holiday about the children and their gifts. We make such a huge deal about providing bigger and better gifts for the kids. We always want to give them what we never had, but I believe there is an even bigger gift we can teach them. . . . . the gift of Jesus, the gift of compassion and caring. 

Instead, we stress out over the money, the food, the gifts and how we will make all of that happen without going into debt. We stress out whether the sister-in-law or brother-in-law will like the gift I bought for their child. Is it fancy enough? Does it look too cheap? There is nothing more insulting than someone asking for the receipt so they can return the gift, because it wasn't up to their standard.  Or even worse, parents volunteering information on their own  on what they think would make the perfect gift for their child, usually a very expensive one.

Do I sound a little gloomy? Probably, but I'm so tired of the materialism, the hype and of Santa Claus. People have lost the true message of Christmas even though they will argue and write on Facebook the opposite. One of the best memories I have are the ones where we sat around doing nothing but chatting and laughing. I don't need two types of turkeys, a ham and fifty presents under the tree to make that happen. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hanging And Banging Pt.2

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

It's been two months since we all saw one another. Two months since we gathered in my little apartment and shared the details of our lives. Who knew we would laugh so hard enjoying each other? Who knew we missed each other so very much?

My tiny living room overflowed with smiling and friendly faces as every seat and chair in this apartment housed a body. Somehow we found room for jewelry making in one corner, crocheting in another and some lighthearted exchange where possible. 

A three hour monthly gathering quickly turned into five. A group of women, one man and a small child, all in one room. 

I learned a valuable lesson today. I 'm sitting here thinking of the entire day and how much we all have come to depend on one another. I've realized how much we all need to meet, to gather so we can forget even for a moment our struggles and just laugh. 

Friends are important, it's difficult to live alone without them.No matter how much we may run away, trying to hide from people, our soul lingers behind looking for a friend. People need people. Couples need a mate. Children need a parent.Pets need a master. We need a Savior. It's as simple as that. 

I am one of those people who tries to run away to become a recluse. I'm constantly pushing myself to be more social and inviting.  I struggle, I panic, I reach out and eventually succeed in making a friend here and there. 

Today, we strengthened these friendships. Have a blessed day everyone.

Friday, December 11, 2015

What Once Was, Isn't

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

We would fill the hours with the sweetest things,
If we had but a day:
We should drink alone at the purest springs,
In our upward way:
We should guide our wayward or wearied will,
By the clearest light:
We should keep our eyes on the heavenly hills,
If they lay in sight:
We should be from our clamorous selves set free,
To work and pray:
And be what the Father would have us to be,
If we had but a day.
--Margaret E. Sangster.

I barely slept last night thinking about today. Here I am once again, going backwards filling in for a week doing something I once loved to do. Once, but no longer. 

I used to love my old position, barely taking any time off. My workdays will be overflowing with busyness and the time would fly by quickly in a blink of an eye.

What happened? Once in a while, I have to go back and be a backup for someone while they're on vacation. Lord, I hate it, just hate it. If I could get out of it I would. 

What is different this time? If I loved it before, why not now? Is it the people? Is it me? Am I in a different place now? 

My stomach in knots, I ready myself for work. How do I prepare for what is coming? I have struggled so much these past two years making adjustments to my lifestyle. It hasn't always worked out, either. Sometimes, it worked out badly. 

Life is so difficult at times, times that we have to endure. Life goes on even when I'm not ready for it to do so. All I can do is ask God to walk with me during this week. Walk with me, Jesus. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Whole New Look

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I've been exploring other blogs just trying to see how I can improve as a blogger. I consider myself an amateur writer, so I need a lot of guidance and expertise in this area. I have no experience to speak of as many of the writers out there.

Also, I want to update the entire look of the blog. I'm not a techno person, either. Another reason that I should explore to see what is out there. With that in mind, keep looking to sometime in the near future you will see small changes here and there. 

Lately, I've been longing to change things in my life, not just on my blog. My wardrobe could use a different look since it has been years. The same goes for my hair and even  the layout  of the apartment. Nothing has been changed and suddenly I'm finding everything to be a bit boring. 

Change is very important, isn't it? It keeps us on our toes always striving forward towards improvement. I've been lagging behind in that department and it's time I've done something about it. 

These past two years really have thrown me for a loop. Here I always thought of myself as a person who adapts well to changes, only to discover it all to be a lie. I struggled folks like never before, but I can honestly say no more. I'm coming out of that darkness and live with the lemons I have. 

That's why I'm really looking forward to the Holidays this year, because I will have a couple of days off where I can recharge, recuperate, refocus and relax for the upcoming start of 2016. 

Changes? Yes! I desperately want to get back on track to a better new me and all the things I love like this blog and my Ministry. Here's to a whole new look.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More Questions

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday
                                                  is a journey.

People are really curious and full of questions regarding my cancer. I often wondered why. At first, I thought because I have a woman's cancer (ovarian) and it is a silent killer that has no symptoms to distinguish it.Then I thought that maybe because of my appearance/attitude. I mean, I don't look like I have an illness.

1. How  are you doing emotionally regarding your cancer?
You know, I've been thinking about this all morning. I've come so far, it's been 8 years now, that I don't even think about the cancer. It's become a part of me, like an arm or a leg. When I'm out of remission, I'm not screaming I have cancer!!!!! It's more like Oh, I have a cold. I don't allow it to take over my whole being. I mean, it's my 4th re-occurrence.

I believe it's all about acceptance and quality of life. My faith is very strong so death is not something I'm afraid of happening. Maybe just the process, but otherwise, I have come to terms with death. As to my emotional state, I want to live my life and not spend it crying about something that I cannot control. This is my basket of lemons. Now, let me see what I can do with all of them.

2. Are you still working?
This seems to be asked in total amazement and I have no idea why. Isn't the whole point of preventive medicine and quality of life to live as normally as possible? Why should I stop working? Because I have cancer? Everyone thinks I should go on disability, but to me, I want to be as normal as I can. There will come a time when I won't be able to work full time or even part time. Until then, I'm not going anywhere. 

3. How can we help someone who has cancer?
First of all, is this their first time with cancer? Or a re-occurrence? If their first time, I suggest they have a chemo partner, someone who can take them to doctor appointments and treatments. This is all new to them and I know from my own experience, it is a huge comfort to have someone take care of the minor details like prescriptions, lunches, and driving.

Another way to help would be by providing a meal during the treatment days. This way, all they have to worry about is taking care of themselves like sleeping and resting. 

Ask them if there are any errands that need to be made like grocery shopping, picking up children from school, or perhaps dry cleaning.

Maybe you could do their laundry, clean their house, cut their grass. Any of these things would be a great help. Anything that can help eliminate the daily chores so they can rest. 

One thing I want to clarify and I need to say it gently as to not hurt anyone's feelings. Visitation is great, because we all need to know we are loved, but we have to know when to go home and just how often to visit. Remember, the person just had treatment and their bodies will be exhausted. Even though I work, by the time my shift is over, I'm done. I'm so tired that I cannot wait to get home. 

I hope this will help answer some of those questions. Have a blessed day everyone.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Missing Stovetop

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.
 It was the last day of my Thanksgiving vacation, Emily and I sat down to supper of vegetable barley soup. Out of nowhere, the carbon monoxide alarm goes off. I wasn't very concerned at first, since I happen to know we have to press the reset button in case it is just a false alarm. 

Did just that and sat down to my vegetable barley soup once again. After a few minutes, it goes off again. This time, I was concerned and decided to call the fire department to come out and check. 

Bundling up, we go outside to wait, Emily taking Diamond into our car so she isn't scared of the sirens. First, let me tell you that the firemen  are in great physical shape no matter what age group they fall in just like the two that showed up.

The alarm stopped going off, so they were very perplexed as to what was going on. Their readings were picking up carbon monoxide, not enough to make us sick, but enough to show concern. Somewhere in our little apartment there was a leakage whether that was from the furnace, stove or oven. 

Better equipment was needed so they called Nicor to come out and check. Nicor arrived like in a blink of an eye (good to know) and immediately discovered the culprit. . . .it was the stove top. They turned off the gas for safety and tagged it for the landlord.

In the end, we ended up with a new stove top (look above) and a few knowledgeable lessons. 
 1. It's good to know our monitors were working, but we should regularly check them or change their batteries.
2. It's also good to know how quickly the Fire Department and Gas Company came out in an emergency.
3. We both realized how much we actually need a stove. We cook on a regular basis so there are no fast foods, canned goods or out of a box meals in our kitchen. Plus, no microwave.
4. Here we were at the end of our five day weekend, a fabulous weekend, and all that stayed with us for that week was this messy episode. Isn't that something?

 That was the finale to our Thanksgiving weekend, thank goodness it didn't end with a bang! When I got into my car the very next day, there were tiny muddy paw prints all over my dashboard. Hmmm, Diamond!!!!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Looking For The Sunshine

                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It has certainly been a very interesting weekend, unerringly quiet. Since all the construction in our little village, this came as quite a pleasant surprise. We needed the silence. I have been enduring an ear infection since Friday so the perfect silence around me helped with the headaches. 

This morning, I awakened to more cloudiness and the busy hubbub of road construction. I'm growing weary of both. I'm beginning to think that this Winter will truly be dismal for my attitude. 

I came across the following poem over the weekend and almost instantly I was reminded of the beautiful world that God created for us to enjoy. While the scene outside may be far from inviting, I can always close my eyes and envision the poem's contents. I certainly hope your day is brightened even though it is Monday.


God, Who Touchest Earth With Beauty
“God, who touchest earth with beauty,
Make my heart anew;
With Thy Spirit re-create me,
Pure, and strong, and true.
Like Thy springs and running waters,
Make me crystal pure;
Like Thy rocks of towering grandeur,
Make me strong and sure.
Like Thy dancing waves in sunlight,
Make me glad and free;
Like the straightness of the pine trees
Let me upright be.
Like the arching of the heavens
Lift my thoughts above,
Turn my dreams to noble action
Ministries of love.
Like the birds that soar while singing,
Give my heart a song.
May the music of thanksgiving
Echo clear and strong.
God, who touchest earth with beauty,
Make my heart anew;
Keep me ever by Thy Spirit,
Pure, and strong, and true.”
Mary S. Edgar

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gloomy Skies

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                   Everyday is a journey.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
            and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
            to keep your righteous rules.
Psalm 119:105-106

It's been a few years since coming to second shift. In doing so, I rarely see life in the afternoon or evening around my neighborhood. Even at work, the blinds are always  drawn so seeing outside in the world is truly rare.

This Thanksgiving weekend holiday, I was able to see and hear the daily routines  in our building.  First of all, there is a lot of slamming of the front doors, tantrums of small children and there is always someone doing laundry. Of course, with 8 units and around 8 children, it can become difficult not to make noise.

The outside looks very  gloomy with sunshine only in the mornings if we are lucky. By the time 2 o'clock comes, it begins to get dark. Fall is really here and it looks extremely oppressive. 

Sitting at my desk, my picture window that I have spent so many days writing at being inspired by God's Creation, offers me little comfort. The dark and grey skies are cloudy, looming overhead. 

One can almost understand why many people experience depression during the Fall/Winter Season. There are no pretty flowers blooming nor small children playing outside. The sun is hiding or I should say, sleeping until Spring. Once in a while, a squirrel dashes across a branch, but otherwise, all one can hear is the wind howling. 

Is it any wonder that all I want to do is sit peacefully in my chair and crochet? We just want to nestle under the covers, drawing the curtains from the outside world. Oh, if we could burrow deep inside our homes for the Winter Season like the bears and other animals of the forest until Spring sprouts a shoot. Wouldn't that be just lovely?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

More Favorite "Simplies"

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Here are more simple favorites.

1. Netflix
I rarely watch television anymore. What I do watch I can usually find on Netflix or PBS. In fact, I would love to cancel cable period and only use Netflix. If I was living alone, I wouldn't even have cable. Just about everything can be found on line now. Besides, there is the Library. One can also have the benefit of watching an old television program that is no longer on, episode after episode without interruption. Thinking of LOST here, where one can actually become lost in the story line.

2. Teas
Sigh, a very deep one. This has been a struggle for me. I have been raised on ordinary tea with lemon in a glass container not a cup. That's how I love to drink my tea. Since my illness, I have many well wishers who have purchased health teas with me in mind. They're disgusting, but I am so appreciative of people who have taken the time to think of my welfare.Please do not take this as an insult. I do drink the teas.

These are a few that I have in stock. 

Like I said, I do drink them, but that doesn't mean that I'm not missing my favorite plain tea with lemon. Every time I think I'm almost done with these teas, someone purchases more (lol). 

Have a blessed day everyone.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Throwback Thursday


                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It's definitely that time of the year once again where we begin making plans for the new upcoming 2016. Where shall we go? What shall we be doing? Should we move? Should we begin a new career?

We ask these questions, because the end of one year marks an end of the past and a new beginning lies in front of us. For most of us, we are looking for a change, because we have had a difficult time of it and are hoping for something better.  We want to believe that it will be better. Without hope there is no future. That's how I feel about Jesus, He is my hope.

As this year comes to a close and a new one approaches, I have no goals whatsoever nor any plans. For once, I just want to wing it. That's huge for me since I've been a planner and a dreamer all of my life. I just want to enjoy whatever lies ahead and I sincerely hope I can deal with the bad as well as the good. That is my only resolution. Hope you enjoy the following post from 2012 called Resolutions.

It seems lately that whatever social media you click into, everyone is stating their "resolutions" for the coming year. I personally, don't make "resolutions". I have goals that I set for the coming year that are realistic goals I can accomplish.That may involve "being closer to my family" or "setting my finances in order", things like that in nature. So, as this year comes to an end , I find myself thinking about the goals I want to set for 2013.

What am I searching for? What do I hope to accomplish? No matter what I come up with, it's all centered on one precept. There is nothing more that I want than peace within my heart. I want to be tranquil emotionally, physically and spiritually. How do I attain that?

Does that mean that I give up all my projects that I've been involved in this past year to make room for all the new things that will be entering my life? Absolutely not, because I feel that these projects are only the beginning. It might also be another extension on where I want to go this new year.

I am not defined in one particular way . . . I am a lot of things rolled into one being. I want to spend this year exploring a deeper side to what God destined me to be. So here we go and let's get started.

Have a Blessed Year everyone .