Monday, December 28, 2015

Saying Goodbye To Sorrow

                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

I have been feeling sorry for myself these past two years. I really need to stop this whining. I need to step aside for a minute because obviously there is something inside of me that is festering. I just need to find out what that is.

I am a person who thrives on the busyness of life. For my body to do the opposite is shocking to me. My writing has suffered during this time and we all know I'm incomplete without a daily dosage from my pen. 

So I'm done with all of it. Done with the whining of why things have turned out the way they did. 

So I'm done with the wishing for things to go my way.

So I'm done feeling frustrated at myself for not accomplishing my daily routine, because of my bodies weariness.

So I'm done living in the past at work. 

So I'm done feeling inadequate because, I will never be the weight I was ten years ago. 

So I'm done looking for acceptance from people who don't deserve my friendship in the first place.

A New Year is here. It's time to take back our lives and regain our self appreciation, self respect and self forgiveness. Let's begin anew, the best is yet to be!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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