Monday, December 21, 2015

Simply A Tiny Clutter

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I have to be honest with you. While watching the YouTube videos of various Tiny Homes, I have come to the conclusion that many of them have too much stuff. In other words, too much clutter.

I know that storage is a huge factor, but in a small space one has to be careful not to over embellish things such as pictures on walls, curtains and knickknacks. I, for one, have no desire for clutter looking rooms. Each is own, I know.

After watching so many videos of various models, I've decided that storage with doors looks so much better, fine lines and all. Plus, built ins instead of actual furniture pieces. The only pieces of furniture I would want in a Tiny Home would be chairs and even those would fold.

Here are some simple ways to enlarge a small space.
More: 8 Clever ways to fake extra square footage in a small home

So keeping all that in mind, I've decided to pare down as much as possible.There was a time when I thought this apartment of ours was too small, but not any longer!

My focus for the upcoming year will be even more on simplifying than ever before. I have way too many junk drawers over brimming with stuff that I haven't used for years. It's time to let it all go. I do have a plan in mind on how that can be achievable. I say achievable, because time has always been my worst enemy, right along with over scheduling. More on that to come, so stay tuned.

Another problem of mine, I hate to throw good things out. There is always in the back of my mind the thought that maybe someone could use this junk of mine. My junk could be their treasure. If it's in good shape, donating is the way to go.  Of course, I welcome all advice or suggestions. More to come on my simplifying 2016 feat on upcoming blogs!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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