Monday, October 12, 2015

Favorite "Simplies"

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Over the past year or so, I've began a series called "Simply", dealing with anything that could simplify my life. That could include a healthier way of life or being a minimalist or getting rid of emotional stress. Anything that could improve my quality of life.

I have tried many things, but not all of them have been successful nor have I continued on incorporating them into my lifestyle. Here I'm only mentioning the successes not the failures.

I love wine and I mean real wine not the sweet sugary wines that are out there for women. I love the merlots, the cabernet sauvignon, blanc, chardonnay etc. I wish I could have a glass every single night after supper. I believe there are so many health benefits to wine, of course, in moderation.

2. Exercise
Ugh, I hate this one and I've tried numerous methods from yoga to walking to aerobics. I hate exercising, period. Yet, I understand the need my body has for movement. I trade it up every few months for something different. Right now, On Demand on cable has these 15-30 minute workouts for over fifty people that I'm doing, but only when I am home from work. So about two-three times a week I'll be exercising. I've found out that my coordination is not what it should be and for that reason, I will keep going no matter how much I groan about it.

3. Fruits and Veggies
It has come to the point of us not being able to eat out as much let alone eat fast food. We just feel different by eating healthier, making substitutions like coconut oil instead of butter. Our bodies have become accustomed to homemade everything. It's not about diet as much as making healthier decisions. We are in control of how much sugar we add or whether we fry or broil. We make the decisions and not be at the mercy of companies who want to make a buck on me.

I cannot stop raving about the benefits of this wonder drink. If my tummy hurts, I drink water. When I had chemo and felt nausea, I drank water. Thirsty, drink water. Need to flush toxins out, drink water. Healthy skin, drink water. Ate too much, drink water. I could go on and on naming all the benefits. These are some that have helped me. I drink water constantly. I fill a liter or two liter bottles with water and keep in the fridge. In the morning, I have my two cups of coffee and the rest of the day it's water. Try it for a week and you will see the benefits.

5. Finances
One of the best decisions I have ever made was to invest in a 9 week financial class. That class has changed my entire outlook when it comes to money. I handle money differently now as well as make sound decisions based on the lessons I've learned from this class.

These are just some of the things that we've incorporated into our lives that have worked out nicely for us even if we don't enjoy doing them.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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