Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Cancer Update

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O strange and wild is the world of men
Which the eyes of the Lord must see--
With continents, inlands, tribes, and tongues,
With multitudes bond and free!
All kings of the earth bow down to him,
And yet--he can think of me.
For none can measure the mind of God
Or the bounds of eternity,
He knows each life that has come from him,
To the tiniest bird and bee,
For the love of his heart is so deep and wide
That it takes in even me.
--Mary E. Allbright.

As I've mentioned numerous times, my energy level has dropped radically. I'm struggling with the emotional side of inertia. I have always been a busy person who has multitasked and often graded myself by how productive I'd be with completion of any given project. I'm struggling because I feel that I'm not doing enough.

Hence, I've decided to adapt to my new lifestyle at the moment. Life constantly changes around us and we have to make the necessary adjustments. I've sat down at lunch yesterday and created a list of all the things I needed to do and hoped to do. So now every morning, I pull out my list and try to check off at least something off that list everyday. It makes me feel productive and useful.

Work seems to be the big culprit here. It really drains me, but we all need money. It seems that on the weekends I have so much more energy and actually accomplish so much more. I can also lie down whenever I may need to. By the time the middle of the week comes, I'm done.

My leg cramps have calmed down quite a bit, but that's only to be expected. I know myself so well and I know that when I'm in treatment, my legs feel much better. I believe it's the ingredients in my medication that subdues the cramps. I have a huge problem after the treatment ends and then the pain is great.

This hormone treatment has affected other areas that have otherwise lay dormant. Take hair growth, for instance, I had to actually shave my legs for the first time in eight years. Believe it or not, the chemo has somehow has left me hairless on my legs, armpits and even my eyebrows don't grow as much. No anymore.

I do have a petscan coming up to determine on whether or not this type of treatment is actually working. It really would be ideal if it was. Just think about it, I could work during and this type of treatment could work for years on end. That would be wonderful.

On the downsize, the hot flashes/night sweats can be awful. I am really grateful that the weather has taken a turn and become cooler. I'm still not wearing a jacket outside nor can I handle a long sleeve shirt. I still use a fan at work and at home in my bedroom.

Otherwise, everything seems okay. I had another death this past Sunday due to prostate cancer. It seems everyone is dying on me, losing the battle. It's sad on one hand, but I certainly hope that he was a believer and is with God right now.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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