Monday, October 19, 2015

2016 Goals

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

During these past eight years, my life has taken on a journey of simplification. I would be lying if I claimed to have purposely begun this path of cleaning up my life. It sort of happened on it's own as if someone was leading the way lighting the stepping stones. I have said this many times, I feel as if I've finally begun living the life I was meant to live.

Having said all that, I once again feel as if I'm propelled toward a new path. I've always felt these past eight years have been a training course for what the end of my golden years would look like. Even though I may have felt my life has been stuck in a rut since the elimination of my shift at work, but that is because I am anxious to begin that new journey.

All in good time, my friends, all in good time. That's what I keep reminding myself whenever I feel melancholy. Until then, I have been trying to fill my time with fulfilling last minute details that I have let go. I want to prepare myself accordingly since I am such a procrastinator.

This past year it has been all about my health needs with dental, and oncology at the forefront. What is next for us here in 2016? Finances will take center stage as we both have a "bill" we need to pay off. It would be awesome if we could accomplish that. Plus, there are a few more details that I have lagged in these past few years.

Our main goal here is to take whatever steps are necessary for us to neatly line our ducks in a row so when we finally make that vital decision, everything will be set to go.

Making goals is very important to both of us. This way we can center our focus on what we need to get down, especially since I love to procrastinate. Even now as I write, I'm trying to talk myself out of this mornings activity. Such a procrastinator!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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