Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Perfect Time

As an early riser , I was looking forward to this morning to being up before anyone else . I love the stillness , the absolute quiet where I can settle down with my cup of coffee and write . 

I always find the morning to be the perfect time to blog . It may have to do with the quiet , the no interruptions , with  my mind  at ease . I can concentrate fully on the topic at hand without having to rush , because I needed to be at an appointment elsewhere . 

So when that moment arrived , I found I have no internet connection . Disappointment overcame me , disgusting me with these ongoing problems I have been experiencing concerning this computer . 

Once again , I started unplugging everything . Once again , I called them to send a "refresh " signal . Once again , I restarted this thing .
It should not be this difficult .

By the time all of this took place , it was already lunchtime and my morning perfect time was ruined . Oh well , Just when I thought I could get a little ahead , I lagged a little behind instead . That's okay . If I become too embroiled in the difficulties of everyday life , I won't be enjoying this journey of mine . 

There always will be a tomorrow and the day after that  and so on  and on . No need to stress over the little things nor the big . 

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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