Friday, November 21, 2014

Just Smile

Life is very hard , friends . Dealing with it can challenge the sturdiest of souls . 

Every Monday , we get up and face the oncoming week with as much dignity as we can muster under the circumstances . If we're lucky , we will have a pretty good week . Most of the time , that is not the case . 

Sometimes , we need to put aside all these feelings of exhaustion , frustration and disappointment . 

Sometimes , we just need to smile .

So what makes you smile ? The sun shining upon your upturned         face ? 

A funny antic of your precious pet ?

A hilarious joke from a very funny comedian ?

A child's giggle that cannot stop ?

Whatever it may be ,  reach deeply today and pull it out . Bask in it's glorious and infectious gesture . . . . .  and smile !

Have a Blessed day everyone . 

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